
Peel Post - Getting Underway

Posted on Wed Mar 12th, 2025 @ 10:05pm by Captain Jamie O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe & Lieutenant Maria SanChez & Lieutenant JG Johan Albo & Lieutenant JG Yesrin Jen & Lieutenant JG Sarissa Aloran & Lieutenant JG Sayvek
Edited on on Thu Mar 13th, 2025 @ 1:15am

Location: S/M: Answering The Call
Timeline: Stardate: 78657.7

Sub Mission: Star Base M-69 received a call from an inhabited space-ring type artificial planet called Valdaron in desperate need of help with potentially life threatening problems. The USS Peel has been dispatched to investigate and lend support with fixing any problems before they become critical.



After completing a conference call in his Ready Room with Fleet Captain Rogue Green, Captain O'Connell and his Crew received orders for their next mission.

Making his way to command Jamie looked around at the Alpha Shift, which comprised of all his Senior Staff, as he called out "Communications open a ship wide please" then he walked up in front of the view screen "This is the Captain, if I may I have your attention please. We've just received orders from our Fleet Captain to proceed to an inhabited space ring called Valdaron. Once we arrive, and are able to ascertain what they need assistance with, then I will contact each department letting you know what role you'll be playing in this very important mission. Since the Peel has the best crew in Star Fleet I know you're all up to the task so make us proud. O'Connell out" he ordered speaking to the entire Crew at once"

Tapping his comm "Lieutenant Flannery, how soon before we can get underway" O'Connell inquired as he walked back to his chair at command.

"Since we're parked above the Base" then he paused checking his screens in engineering "Ten minutes Captain and we can get underway" Marcus replied.

"Excellent Mr. Flannery; that'll give us time to get things in order up here, O'Connell out." Then turning his attention back to the bridge "We'll be getting underway shortly so perform any final system's checks. Helm one half impulse until we clear the outer markers" Jamie ordered anxious to get going.

"Aye Captain, going to one half impulse now until we clear the outer markers" Ensign Hanes replied as the ship started moving away from the Base. Minutes later "Sir we've cleared the outer markers."

"Lay in a course for Valdaron, bearing seven-eight-five mark three.....warp seven point five Helm" O'Connell ordered. Helm called back the order as he plotted in the requested course awaiting the Captain's final response. "Initiate" as the Peel went smoothly to warp.

Looking over at his Number One "Looks like we may have some prep work to do before we arrive Commander so we'll be ready to hit the ground running; hopefully not literally though" O'Connell stated with a grin.

"Let me know Captain what I can do to assist" Angel replied ready to get to work "Helm what's our ETA to Valdaron".

Turning in his seat to face Angel "We'll reach our destination in four days at our current speed Commander" Ensign Hanes replied before turning back to his console.

"Captain that gives us four days to get a game plan together" Devroe commented looking at Jamie.

"That it does Commander" he stated as a thought went through his mind "Lieutenant SanChez since your Security Chief, contact Captain Hunt and apprize him of our mission. I want his platoon on standby should we need boots on the ground."

"Aye Captain, I'll meet with Hunt tomorrow morning. I'm sure they wouldn't mind having their feet on a real planet for a change" Maria replied happy to assist getting things squared away for their mission.

"Lieutenant Sayvek we're presently about five light years away from Valdaron. When we're close enough I would like a full scan done of the space ring; any information you can acquire may be helpful before we arrive" O'Connell ordered.

" AFFIRMATIVE Captain. This data will take some time to aquire given the compiled data to decipher." Sayvek replied.

Then turning his attention to Sarissa "Counselor, I would like you and a Medical Team on standby should any injured need to be treated and have Lieutenant Albo accompany you as well" the Captain ordered.

“Understood Sir” Sarissa nodded. “I’ll make sure I have a team prepped and ready to go when needed.” She looked towards Johan offering a smile.

Seeing Sarissa's smile, Johan returned her smile with one of his own thinking "Maybe when the mission has concluded, the Captain will give us a couple of days of R&R there.....a little romantic rendezvous would be nice."

Captain O'Connell and Commander Devroe were sitting at the conn discussing what they might need to do to ensure a successful mission "Captain I was thinking maybe we should see about gathering some intelligence concerning Valdaron just so we're not walking into anything totally unexpected" Angel suggested.

Thinking for a few moments "Number One I like the way you think. Would you like to have a word with Lieutenant Jen since there's nothing going on here at the moment" Jamie inquired thinking it would give Angel something to occupy her time; she did seem a little antsy at the moment.

With a smile "Thank you Captain, it would be my pleasure to speak with Yesrin plus it'll give me something to do" Angel replied as she stood.

"You're welcome and please fell free to take your time" Jamie responded before grabbing his padd to go over some reports.

[Deck 4]

Exiting the Lift Angel made her way to the Intelligence Office, which was a converted Science Lab, stopping at the door to key in her security code. When the door unlocked she walked in as Yesrin looked up at one of her Commanding Officers. Quickly Yesrin stood and snapped to attention "Commander what do I owe the pleasure" she stated.

"Please as you were Lieutenant" Devroe ordered as Yesrin sat back down.

"Thank you Commander and please have a seat and make yourself comfortable" Yesrin commented with a smile "So how can I be of assistance."

Angel returned her smile as she sat then went into detail concerning this new mission "You see Lieutenant that's about all the information I have at this time. We won't have anything more concrete until we arrive and see what the problems are first hand" she explained then continued "The Captain and I would like you to reach out to your contacts and see if you can dig up any intelligence concerning Valdaron while we're in route. We would prefer not to have any surprises that could possibly jeopardize the success of the mission; there are way too many lives at stake there."

"Understood Commander and I'll do my best to find out what I can for you and the Captain in the next couple of days" Yesrin replied more than happy to help plus it would give her something important to do.

"Excellent" Angel stated as she stood "I'll let you get to it" she commented then started to turn to head back to the Bridge.

Before Angel could leave Yesrin inquired "Commander wait a moment please, there is something I would like to ask you on a personal level."

Facing Yesrin "What is it Lieutenant" she asked wondering what the question might be.

"Commander.....Angel, I was wondering if you would consider having a few drinks with me some evening; in the Lounge of course" then she paused a moment "I very much would like to get to know you better when we're not on duty.....that is if your not otherwise engaged" as she could feel the nerves kick in.

Angel was quite surprised at her request but thought it might nice getting to know her better while off duty. So with a smile "Yes I'd very much like that Yesrin. Tomorrow night, let's say, nineteen hundred. Is that convenient for you" she inquired with a smile.

"Yes that'll work just fine" Yesrin answered feeling much more at ease now. Angel nodded then headed back to the Bridge.

Feeling pretty good about herself she could sense Jen [See.....told you to ask and not be such a wuss. At the very least you may become good friends and have someone to hang out with from time to time; let's face it....your social life is much to be desired.]

"Ya, you're right as usual "Yesrin replied out loud then got to work on the Commander's request.


Senior Officers
USS Peel


