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Station Post # 30 " DEATHS DOOR "

Posted on Sat Oct 19th, 2024 @ 2:39pm by Lieutenant JG Nic Covenant & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Kestra McAllister

Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Concurrent


< Sickbay >

With all the distress and angst from the boarding other problems were occurring. Nic Covenant intercepted one from Security.

[ Ops to sickbay?]

Hearing the call Ramvek tapped his comm "Doctor Williams, go ahead" he commented wondering what was going on now.

[ Doctor Williams,good sir in the brig 4 of the Assul are being contained. One is very injured and it seems the others are wanting the sick one. ]Nic stated.

Hearing the explanation Ramvek couldn't believe what he was hearing " Lieutenant if you could separate the injured one from the rest then I can come down there and treat him; no one deserves to be eaten alive" he stated disgusted with the whole concept.

Nic contacted security and a few minutes later the 3 were under forcefield containment and the other laid on the bare floor dying.

Doctor Williams grabbed his go-bag and made his way to the Lift "Computer Brig please" as he was whisked away. Exiting the lift he saw Lieutenant Covenant "Lieutenant can you drop the forcefield so I can have a look at that man" he inquired.

Nic went to sickbay and assisted with the prisoner transfer.

" Be careful Doc. It's a hurt animal." SECURITY warned.

After moving the patient into a secure room Ramvek gave the Azzul a heavy dose of lexorin, a sedative which would put him out for several hours "There that should hold him for awhile so I can work on him" he commented "Thanks for the help Lieutenant Covenant."

" Sir I'm no medic. Cadet Brol apprehended them and brought them in. Then security called OPS and told us they were trying to eat one of their own." Nic replied.

"As disgusting as that sounds to us there are a few cultures that will eat their dying; I guess it's a way to dispose of the body especially if they are in a foreign area" he explained "Now if you'll excuse me Lieutenant, I will see if I can repair this being."

Nic nodded and then looked to the others who were licking their teeth.

Doctor Williams brought up the physiology screen then scanned the Assul's body as he spoke out loud "Boy, your internals look like they have been to hell and back" he stated not knowing if he could repair the damage or not. Minutes later the Assul's blood pressure dropped significantly as Ramvek tapped his comm "Doctor Daniels meet me in surgery stat" he ordered then wheeled his patient hurriedly into the surgery ward.

Daniels met Williams in surgery "So what's your plan Doctor Williams" Daniels inquired as he set to getting the instruments that would be needed.

Ramvek brought up the sterilization field while explaining "We have to try and repair the major damage to this poor soul's internal organs if he has even the slightest chance of living" then grabbing a laser scalpel Ramvek set to work. After about two hours of nonstop repairs the worst happened.

"Doctor Williams, his blood pressure just bottomed out.....we're loosing him Sir" Daniels stated watching the surgical screens. Williams immediately began to message the heart by hand to get him going again......ten minutes later there was no joy as Ramvek looked towards Daniels letting out a sigh "Lets close him up; he's gone to the great beyond" as Ramvek switched off the sterilization field.

Noticing Williams demeanor Daniels offered "Doctor I can finish up here and wheel the Assul to the Morgue if you have other duties to attend to."

"Thank you Doctor, it is appreciated and yes I do need to see to a death certificate and report for Command" Williams replied then left surgery to go to his Office.

Walking back to his Office Ramvek saw the Lieutenant still in Sick Bay then walked up to him "Lieutenant Covenant, the Assul's injuries were too severe.....I am afraid he did not make it through surgery" he stated feeling bad for his patient even if he was the enemy.

" Bummer...I mean...sorry Sir. Well at least you tried. You're not going to put his body back in that cell are you? " Nic asked.

"That would be a definite no Lieutenant" Ramvek stated a little surprised he would even ask "Actually he will go through the plasma physiology reducer and turned to ash, then his ashes will be vented out into space."

" My Mom had her body made into a tree. You can even have them turned into a diamond I hear." Nic replied.

Ramvek couldn't help but chuckle "That must be a sight to see" he replied "Basically I just want to dispose of this poor soul's remains with some shred of dignity."

" I guess the Assul eat them." Nic replied.

Williams thought for a moment "That may very well be but I can't abide by that weather it is their culture or not" then he paused "That would not go over very well with the people here on the Station."

" That has always confused me with the Prime Directive. Way above my pay grade." Nic added.

Ramvek thought for a moment "Logically, I am not sure the Prime Directive would apply in this situation. This is more a question of humanity as much as culture" he concluded.

" Like I said above my pay grade. Thanks again Doc." Nic replied.

"You are welcome Lieutenant" Ramvek commented as Nic turned and left Sick Bay. Now it was time to see to the expired Assul.



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