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#31 Temporal anomaly

Posted on Sat Oct 19th, 2024 @ 6:07pm by Captain Rogue "Ro" Green & Lieutenant Commander Billi & Lieutenant JG Griffon Resch "Nazgul" & War Chief Loth

Location: USS NAZGUL
Timeline: current
Tags: Sureth, O'Connell, Callaghan, Loth


Captain Green sat in the Ready Room mulling over the battle and the repair reports subsequent to that action. USS Nazgul had weathered the battle fairly well but it was clear that more battle drills would be necessary to turn this crew into the razors they would need to be to truly use this ship's capabilities. The IKS 'Iwghargh (Bloodsport) had joined in the strafing runs, they too suffering some battle damage before they both turned away for another run as their damage control parties worked to get both ships back to combat readiness. In the time they used to do a wide circle-about the Peel had reignited her engines to provide full power and had taken down the Assul dreadnought. Resch had kept a play-by-play going on the Bridge, announcing any tactical changes from the station and the surrounding allied ships. The damage that Nazgul and 'Iwgargh had done to the Assul had provided Peel the opportunity to take them down. Jamie O'Connel was an old friend and Ro was glad that he and his ship had weathered the battle and won the day. She would have to buy him a drink. She grinned to herself at that.

"Captain to the Bridge." Billi's voice came through the intercom. Getting to her feet and moving quickly, Captain Green arrived on the Bridge.

"As you were," Green stated as she came onto the command deck. "From now on you stay in your seats and do your jobs. I don't need a friggin' parade stance every time I come into a room. Now," she said as she came to stand on the dais for her chair, to the left of her seat. Cosmo rolled up next to her legs on the main deck. "What's so urgent, Commander Billi?"

"We have three Assul vessels closing fast on M-69, Captain. They appear to be on an intercept course..." Billi was trying to explain when she was cut off.

"Belay that," Resch announced from Tactical. "Some kind of quantum singularity appeared ahead of them and all three vessels disappeared into it. I've never seen anything like it."

Green did not like the sound of that. Perhaps it was high time to see if their Q guest could offer any information on the subject. If, of course, Qeritas felt up to it after 'resting', as she had put it. "Kara, what do the sensors show us?" Ro half turned to look over at her SCI Chief.

"It is not a singularity, Captain. As someone who is familiar with Iconian gateways, it appears to be some form of dimensional gateway. There is no trace of those three ships that we can track. Wherever they went it is far beyond our sensor capabilities to determine." Kara stopped looking at her monitors and her gaze met the Captain's.

That was when Griffon Resch added to the conversation. "We've got a buzz of cross-talk, Captain. There is some sort of diplomacy going on with the Assul. Captain Callaghan, the Commodore, and even Captain O'Connell are meeting with Assul representatives to try and stop the fighting."

"Well," Green said with a bit of relief behind her tone. "That's something. Contact M-69 and let them know that Nazgul stands ready to assist. Mister Loewen, turn us towards the station and set for one-quarter impulse for our orbit."

As he acknowledged the orders the Bridge starboard lift doors opened and Qeritas stepped out. As per her usual Q hubris she once again donned the uniform of a Starfleet admiral. Green rolled her eyes slightly at the sight, which elicited a crooked grin from the Q. "I know you hate this look, Ro. But, it is a reminder that I am always above your station. However, that is not why I am here." Her face and eyes became serious. "Once again you hairy apes are mucking with temporal dynamics."

Green's face scrunched a bit at that, and she glanced over at Kara, who was busy reading sensor data and aiding damage control. Resch, too, was busy. By what she could tell the USS Nazgul had nothing to do with anything temporal. "Not on this ship, Qeritas. We're at Yellow alert, that's it."

Qeritas gave a sigh of frustration. "Simpletons," she said under her breath before she continued in a normal tone. "Not here, Ro. Over on the station. The Assul are practitioners of Eldritch Magick, like that old friend of yours, Nira Whisperwind. Captain Callaghan was foolish enough to go with them into their past."

Having no reason to disbelieve the Q, Green had to ask. "Qeritas, have you recovered from your...'injuries', enough to make such claims, or even detect such things?"

"I assure you, Captain, I am as formidable as always. You would do well to remember that. Even injured I could reduce this ship and all aboard to microscopic space dust with but a thought."

"You can," Green challenged. "But, you won't. The Continuum has rules against such actions and if you did that you would be reduced to just another hairy ape. But," Green raised a hand in supplication. "I believe you." Her focus changed. "Mister Resch, send a quick message to Commodore Sureth and Captain O'Connell. Inform them that the Q we have aboard has detected a temporal flux and alerted us to it. Have them respond when they can."

"You got it, Skipper." Resch went to work.

Squatting down, Ro had Cosmo present her dual handled lightsaber. She took it, and holding it with the business ends at each side, she gave a strong twist and pulled them apart, now holding two single blade hilts. She put one back insode Cosmo, the other she hooked to her equipment belt she had been wearing since they had joined battle. "Now, we wait."



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