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Station Post #32 Down Time

Posted on Mon Oct 21st, 2024 @ 3:21pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone

Location: M-69
Timeline: Current


Doctor Williams finished a very hectic day; hell it had been a hectic week ever since the Assul boarded the base. Even though M-69 was still on yellow alert, Ramvek had heard the Commodore, Captain Callaghan, and Captain O'Connell from the Peel were in talks with the Assul for a cease fire so hopefully their world could get back to some sort of normalcy sooner than later.

Now that his shift was finally over there was only one place he wanted to be. Tapping his Comm "Lieutenant Stone, Williams here, would you like some company" he inquired as he entered the lift outside Sick Bay.

"Sure. Whenever you get here is fine" Heidi replied looking forward to seeing Ramvek since it had been a few days, other than work of course.

"Good let me grab a quick shower then I'll be over" he answered as he exited the lift near his quarters "I won't be long; see you soon."

A short time later Ramvek stood in front of Heidi's door as he palmed the chime then waited. Opening the door Heidi had a smile "Come in" she stated as he entered with the door closing behind him. Without a word Ramvek walked up to her and gave her a nice long kiss "I've wanted to do that for awhile these past few days" he commented with a grin. Heidi smiled and returned his kiss in kind "Me too. So something to drink."

"Yes, please anything with alcohol in it" he replied as he sat on her couch.

"I think that can be arranged" she answered with a grin and left for her Kitchenette. Moments later she walked back holding two small glasses handing one of them to Ramvek before sitting beside him "Hope you don't mind brandy; it's the only booze I have with real alcohol in it" as she smiled "But don't tell my boss."

Ramvek grinned back "Your secret's safe with me" as he took a long sip "That is just what the Doctor ordered" as he took another sip enjoying the relaxing sensation of the brandy. They sat talking for awhile enjoying each other's company when Heidi inquired "Would you like something to eat; I'm sure you haven't eaten in awhile as usual."

"You know me too well. Yes I could eat and whatever you'd like is fine with me" he replied with a grin. "Ok, two dinners coming right up" she commented as she left for the replicator. Moments later she returned with two plates of piping hot food handing one to Williams "Hope you don't mind beef stroganoff."

"Not at all" as he grabbed the plate from Heidi "This smells really good" as he began to eat forcing himself to eat slowly since he hadn't eaten anything since breakfast early this morning.

As they were eating "So anything exciting happen today in my absence" she inquired not knowing what had transpired in Sick Bay.

Ramvek let out a small sigh as he began to explain in detail the events of the day. "That sounds like you had a rough day" then she paused "You should have called me; I would have gladly come and helped."

Setting his plate on the table and looking into her beautiful eyes "And that's why I didn't call you; you need a day off to recharge just like everyone else. Besides I can't have my Head Nurse burnt-out on me either" he replied with a grin.

"Point taken....but that goes doubly for you; we can't have the CMO burnt-out either" Heidi stated with some concern in her voice as the two finished their meal and she cleaned up afterwards.

Returning to the couch Heidi looked at Ramvek with a smile as she sat even closer "As much as I enjoy our conversations, let's try communicating a different way" she commented in a low voice then put her arms around Ramvek's neck and began kissing him with passion enjoying every moment of his lips.

After quite some time of passionate kissing Ramvek could feel the effects of not only the day but the entire week starting to weigh heavily both physically and mentally. Stopping he looked at this gorgeous women sitting almost on top of him "Heidi, please don't take this the wrong way, as much I am enjoying this form of communication I have to tell you I am exhausted. My mind says continue but sadly my body tells me no way.....I hope you understand" he explained.

Heidi let out a slight sigh "I do understand and I can see you're pretty well spent" she replied with a smile "But one of these times I will take you into the bedroom and have my way with you."

Ramvek grinned "And I look forward to it; just not tonight" as he stood "Thank you for understanding but I really do need to get some sleep" he commented.

Standing Heidi replied "I know you do" as she gave him one last kiss "Sleep well Doctor" as they both walked to the door. Turning Ramvek gave her one last kiss before leaving for some much needed sleep.

After Ramvek left Heidi sat on the couch thinking "Is he really that exhausted or is he afraid to make love to me." Only time would tell.


Lieutenant J.G. Heidi Stone
Head Nurse

Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base M-69


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