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#33 A Brief Visit

Posted on Tue Oct 22nd, 2024 @ 7:07pm by Captain Taavis & Lieutenant JG Gavin Lasso

Location: M-69
Timeline: Current


Captain Taavis sat at her desk in her office of Fleet Captain. She had aided in defending the station from boarding parties, assisted in getting docking arm 9 cleared of wounded and personnel as the battle had raged out in space. Thankfully, an engineering team was able to get to the plasma manifold in Arm 9 and shut it down before it blew, killing most in that section as well as shredding the entire docking arm had it gone off. With that section now under repair Taavis had decided to return to her offices and look into what ships were where, and take in their reports that had been sent to her. After reading them she sent notices to each vessel that all reports had been received and signed off on, before she herself filed her reports with Starfleet Command and Commodore Sureth.

The office door slid open and Taavis looked up to see Lieutenant Lasso carrying a food tray complete with a covered bowl and a steaming thermomug. He came around her desk even as she arched an eyebrow at him, placing the tray before her. "I don't recall a lunch date being set, Lieutenant."

Gavin gave her a smile as he lifted the cover from the bowl and set it aside, the steaming plomek broth giving forth a pleasant aroma. "Not a date, Captain. I noted you all over the station while I was busy myself. But, I stopped to grab some food whereas you did not. So, here it is. Tea and broth. Plenty to refuel a Vulcan anatomy. Enjoy." With that said Lasso went back around her desk and headed for the entry.

"Lieutenant--Gavin." Taavis saw him stop and turn his head slightly to show he was giving her an ear. "You are welcome to sit and take a break."

Half turning to look back, his grin still there, Gavin gave a lazy shake of the head. "No can do, Taav. I've got a department meeting within Flight Control. Time to come up with a better plan for the dozen runabouts we have aboard. You'll get the details after Sureth and Callaghan sign off on anything I may come up with. Enjoy your lunch." Saying what needed to be said, Lasso then walked out.

Taavis sat there somewhat dumbfounded for a few moments, then recovered herself and began to enjoy the nourishment he had brought to her.



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