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Jan stats

Posted on Sun Feb 6th, 2022 @ 3:09pm by Commodore Sureth

Ship Name: Starbase Mercury
Registry Number: M-69
Fleet: Independent

Commanding Officer: Captain Sureth
Executive Officer: Cdr Taavis
Assistant Executive Officer : LCDR Shauna Callaghan

Date: January 30, 2022-

Total Posts This Month:

Number of JP's:
Total Posts Last Month: 15

Posts by Crewman:

Commanding Officer; Sureth

Executive Officer: Taavis

Second Officer: Shauna Callaghan

Most Posts:

Best Character Post: # 12 A Type of Silk by CDR Taavis

Best Story Post:

Funniest Post:

Most Valuable Player: All of this crew is my MVPS

Who Interacts With The Crew The Most: Rookie of the Month:


Departing Characters: Lt Fuller and Lt Crawford

New Characters
Name of Mission:

XO’s Padd:

Mission Summary:

Captain's Padd: As this is the initial stats future one's will be more fuller. I am so honored that all of you joined me in this quest. A quest to make Starbase Mercury the best rpg out there. We are small but I hope this is a fun place for you to come and trek.


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