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Thu Feb 27th, 2025 @ 5:34pm

Captain Shauna Callaghan

Name Shauna Callaghan

Position Commanding Officer

Second Position Executive Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human/Trill (unjoined)
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 5’ 7”
Weight 130 lbs
Hair Color Blonde (mousey)
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Shauna is an a-typical looking Trill, she has the full range of spots from head to toe.


Spouse None
Father Joran
Mother Maria Callaghan
Other Family Various extended family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Shauna is a bright, cheery, young woman whose always happy to lend a hand. She’s approachable and likes to join in gatherings with the crew she serves with. She has a wicked sense of humour but also a no nonsense approach to her role as Chief Diplomatic and Second Officer.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Strong willed
+ Caring
+ Dedicated to her work
+ Good sense of humour
+ Skilled in the use of a bat’leth

- Caring for those around her can be a weakness
Ambitions To one day be offered the chance to be joined. Being half Trill she isn’t considered suitable but she hopes that perhaps one day that will change.
Hobbies & Interests Shauna loves to read (real books and on PADD), she also loves drawing and painting. She likes to play cards, collect souvenirs, babysit and plenty more besides.

Service Record 2385 - 2389 - Starfleet Academy (Command track)
2389 - 2391 - Starbase 400 (Diplomatic intern)
2391 - 2394 - USS Washington (Diplomatic Officer)
2394 - 2397 - USS Kirk (Asst Chief Diplomatic Officer/2nd Officer)
2397 - 2400 - USS Wildcat (Chief Diplomatic Officer/2nd Officer)
2400 - USS Churchill (Executive Officer/Diplomatic Officer)
2400 - Starbase M69 (Executive Officer)