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Thu Feb 27th, 2025 @ 5:34pm
Captain Shauna Callaghan
Name Shauna Callaghan
Position Commanding Officer
Second Position Executive Officer
Rank Captain
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Human/Trill (unjoined) | |
Age | 33 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5’ 7” | |
Weight | 130 lbs | |
Hair Color | Blonde (mousey) | |
Eye Color | Blue | |
Physical Description | Shauna is an a-typical looking Trill, she has the full range of spots from head to toe. |
Spouse | None | |
Father | Joran | |
Mother | Maria Callaghan | |
Other Family | Various extended family |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Shauna is a bright, cheery, young woman whose always happy to lend a hand. She’s approachable and likes to join in gatherings with the crew she serves with. She has a wicked sense of humour but also a no nonsense approach to her role as Chief Diplomatic and Second Officer. | |
Strengths & Weaknesses | + Strong willed + Caring + Dedicated to her work + Good sense of humour + Skilled in the use of a bat’leth - Caring for those around her can be a weakness |
Ambitions | To one day be offered the chance to be joined. Being half Trill she isn’t considered suitable but she hopes that perhaps one day that will change. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Shauna loves to read (real books and on PADD), she also loves drawing and painting. She likes to play cards, collect souvenirs, babysit and plenty more besides. |
Service Record | 2385 - 2389 - Starfleet Academy (Command track) 2389 - 2391 - Starbase 400 (Diplomatic intern) 2391 - 2394 - USS Washington (Diplomatic Officer) 2394 - 2397 - USS Kirk (Asst Chief Diplomatic Officer/2nd Officer) 2397 - 2400 - USS Wildcat (Chief Diplomatic Officer/2nd Officer) 2400 - USS Churchill (Executive Officer/Diplomatic Officer) 2400 - Starbase M69 (Executive Officer) |