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Thu Feb 27th, 2025 @ 1:23pm

Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas

Name Isabelle Olivia Veran-Dallas

Position Chief Counselor

Second Position Chief Counsellor

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid/Vulcan
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5’ 6”
Weight 126 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown or Violet (changes with mood)
Physical Description Isabelle is an attractive, physically fit young woman. She has the pointed ears and slightly raised eyebrows of her Vulcan heritage.


Spouse John Dallas
Children Connor Soral (Son - 4 months old)
Pregnant (22 weeks)
Father Sureth
Mother Deanna Veran
Brother(s) Kyle Veran
Suran (half brother)
Sister(s) Suban (half sister)
Other Family Calian McGregor (ex-fiancé)
Various extended family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Isabelle is a bright, cheery young woman with a bubbly personality. She always willing to help others, as a victim of a sexual assault whilst at University she feels more able to understand the trauma others have gone through in their lives. She's still working on overcoming her fear of fire but she's progressing slowly. She works well as part of a team or alone.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
- Telepathic and Empathic
- Strong Willed
- A dedicated Counsellor
- An Affinity with plants

- Afraid of fire
- Worries what her future as will be like as a single parent
Ambitions All Isabelle has ever wanted is to make her family proud of her. She hopes that she will make her parents proud by serving as a Federation Officer. She always wanted to have a family of her own.
Hobbies & Interests Isabelle loves to read (real books), she enjoys time in the Holodeck relaxing in her favourite romantic spots, she also loves a movie night (complete with popcorn) and has a lot more hobbies besides.

Personal History Born on Betazed in 2370, Isabelle spent much of her early years travelling back and forth between starships, starbases and Betazed especially when it was realised that she had developed her Betazoid abilities extremely early. She spent a lot of years training to control her abilities, attending specialised schools on Betazed during her younger and teenage years.

At the age of sixteen Isabelle attended Betazed University, it was during her time on Campus that she was involved in a serious fire. The fire was set to cover up any traces left by an assailant who had attacked her and her roommate shortly beforehand. Both Isabelle and her roommate were critically wounded but after a long period of recovery and several operations Isabelle eventually returned to her normal life. Their assailant was never found.

Isabelle took a year off her studies to fully recuperate, before returning to finish off her psychological studies. She graduated a year later.

By the time she reached the age of nineteen she had already decided that she wanted to join the Federation and with her father's endorsement she was accepted into the Academy. She was a well liked student but suffered from bouts of stress due to her Betazoid abilities, she plowed on nonetheless and graduated four years later with honours.

Isabelle was 6 months pregnant with the child of a colleague who left her when he decided he wasn’t ready to be a father, She moved on to live her life and be the best mother she could be. Happy to be assigned to Starbase Mercury alongside her father Sureth, little did she know that she would chosen and her son taken to become the new god of an alien race.

* After eating a fruit grown by Brol, Isabelle has undergone a startling physical change in that her eyes, which are brown, can turn a startling Violet.*

After ex-fiancé Calian turned against her, his allies decided they wanted none of his treachery and Isabelle was thrilled to have her Son Connor returned to her. She also learned that she is pregnant with the child of her new husband John Dallas.
Service Record 2389 - 2393 Starfleet Academy. (Specialities in Psychology and Operations Management)
2393 - 2395 USS Kirk
2395 - 2397 USS Washington
2397 - 2400 USS Repulse
2400 - Assigned to Starbase Mercury