
  • 5 Mission Posts

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Fri Mar 31st, 2023 @ 4:25pm

Major Haden Mattox

Name Haden Mattox

Position Marine Commanding Officer

Rank Major

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Terran
Age 65

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2
Weight 179
Hair Color Gray
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Massive male


Spouse Misty
Children Josh
Father Roy
Mother Karen
Brother(s) Thad
Sister(s) Murial

Personality & Traits

General Overview Career military officer
Strengths & Weaknesses Command driven
Hates losers and posers
Ambitions Regimental Commander
Hobbies & Interests Anything that blows up

Personal History Haden grew up on Mars
Transferred to Earth for school
Excelled at all sports
Martial Arts
Football Quarterback

Enlisted in the Marines
Married wife after the academy
Begat sons and daughters

Served in the Dominion War
Promoted to Squad leader, Company Commander Batallion Commander
Service Record Star Fleet Marine Corp
76th Brigade 2Lt Dominion War

83 Brigade Company Commander

763 Batallion Command on New Hope Station

14th Brigade Starbase Mercury Commanding Officer