
  • 13 Mission Posts

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Mon Dec 23rd, 2024 @ 3:12pm

Lieutenant Commander Jessica O‘Neil

Name Jessica Jack O‘Neil (Ejo)

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 1.75m
Weight 70kg
Hair Color Dark Red
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description She is a very attractive woman, athletic and slim. She an average height and shoulder long dark red halt. She wears a Bajoran ear piece on her right ear, it was a present from an old friend that had past away.


Father Brian O‘Neil
Mother Eliza Jane O‘Neil

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jessica comes form a family were in each generation served in Starfleet. She was born in Dublin Ireland, earth. She finds it easy to gain new friends. Her farther is a tiered Captain and her mother is a scientist on earth.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strength: believes the principles of the Federation and Starfleet. A quick learner an thinker.
Weaknesses: very hard to keep and maintain friendship/relationship due to putting her work first.
Ambitions She wants to become the best officer in Starfleet. To become captain one day.
Hobbies & Interests Boxen, Kickboxen, reading sci-fi books. Racing with a go cart on the holodeck.
She has deep interests in all Diffremt aspects stow echanikle

Service Record graduated form the Academy with 24.
Served 4 yrs on Starbase 01 as an Ensign and got promoted to Lt. Jg.
Then served 4 yrs on a Nova class ship due to her excellent work on board and got promoted to Lieutenant.
After serving another 3 yrs she received her promotion to Lt. Cmd and was transferred to Starbase Mercury to be the new Chief of Engineering.