
  • 18 Mission Posts

Last Post

Mon Jul 8th, 2024 @ 7:07pm

Lieutenant Odac Yova

Name Odac Yova

Position Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Bajoran
Age 30

Physical Appearance


Spouse Ellie Kees Odac
Father Javen
Mother Hirys
Brother(s) Torus
Sister(s) Haleb

Personality & Traits

General Overview Career Star fleet Officer continues his career in Star Fleet by joining the Starbase Mercury crew
Strengths & Weaknesses Temper
Ambitions To be a Star Fleet Chief Engineer
Hobbies & Interests Solar Sailing

Personal History Born into a Maquis family but returned to Bajor after the war.

Had great respect for Col Nerys and Captain Sisco. But especially enjoyed Mr O'Brian.

Joined Star Fleet after interaction with staff on DS9

Served on the USS Concordia as an engineering officer

Joined USS Amandora and found himself in trouble for 6 months.

Recently married ships science officer Ellie Kees
Service Record Academy

USS Concordia- engineering

USS Amandora- Chief of Engineering

Basic InfoPersonalityHistory
Personality & Traits
Strengths & Weaknesses Some anger
Ambitions To become a Chief Engineer
Hobbies & Interests Solar sailing


Basic InfoPersonalityHistory
Character Information
Gender Male
Species Bajoran
Age 30

Physical Appearance
Height 5'9
Weight 160
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Bajoran male

Spouse Ellie Kees
Children NA
Father Javen
Mother Hirys
Brother(s) Torus
Sister(s) Haleb
Service Record Service Record Academy

USS Concordia- engineering

USS Amandora- Chief of Engineering

Starbase Mercury - Engineering Officer