
  • 58 Mission Posts

Last Post

Wed Jul 17th, 2024 @ 2:39pm

2nd Lieutenant John Dallas

Name John Dallas

Position Fighter Pilot

Second Position Security Investigations Officer

Rank 2nd Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Terran
Age 46

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0
Weight 180 lbs
Hair Color Gray
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Male Grunt


Spouse Isabelle Veran-Dallas
Children Connor Veran (stepson - age 4 months)
Expectant Father
Father Carl
Mother June
Brother(s) Joe
Sister(s) Karen
Other Family Papaw

Personality & Traits

General Overview Senior NCO willing to die for his unit
Strengths & Weaknesses Command

No is not an option
Ambitions It was Command Sergeant Major. Now he hopes to advance further to Security Chief of this station.

Raise his new family.
Hobbies & Interests Weapons

Personal History Personal History Born Texas
Raised on Earth.
High School Running Back
Star Fleet Marine Corp
Service Record 2nd Infintry Division
Unit 63 Bravo Company Sinbad System.

USS New Hampshire - Master Sergeant

Transferred to USS Amandora but recently asked for a transfer after witnessing his CO kill an unarmed man aboard Starbase Mercury.

STARBASE M-69 Security Officer

Service Record 2nd Infintry Division
Unit 63 Bravo Company Sinbad System.

USS New Hampshire - Marine NCO
USS Amandora- Marine Master Sergeant
Starbase M-69 Security Officer/Warrant Officer