
  • 47 Mission Posts

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Tue Mar 4th, 2025 @ 7:34pm

Lieutenant Griffon Resch

Name Griffon Heinrich Resch

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Second Position Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 191lbs.
Hair Color Dark brown/brunette
Eye Color blue


Personality & Traits

General Overview Griffon is both a professional and a Starfleet officer. He is highly confident in his abilities and reputation, being greatly respected by those who have served with him in any capacity. Despite this, he has a strong moral code as well as honor which is unique among his colleagues, according to classmates, as Griffon never willingly drags innocent people into his job or threatens them during it. In spite of his professionalism, he is also friendly and develops strong friendships with many.
Strengths & Weaknesses However, Griff is a man who is worth his reputation as a miracle worker for his ingenuity, as he never fails to get machinery and equipment running again. A trait he got from his father, both a Starfleet Engineer and a CO during his career.

Despite his decent brawling and melee skills, Resch prefers to avoid fights if he can. He is skilled at getting people to back down without resistance and will often let people go when they do, and he is able to avoid allowing conflicts to escalate any further. His friendly and professional personality allows him to maintain contacts within the Intelligence and Strategic Operations communities who are willing to come to his aid when needed. His strong sense of honor also means he makes a point of not allowing innocent people to get caught in the crossfire of his duties.

Resch is a pilot, familiar with small craft.
Hobbies & Interests Like those in his family Griffon is an avid cook/chef. Beyond this passion he is often found in a holo-suite practicing his MMA skills, to be a better combatant in hand-to-hand so he does not have to resort to firearms to quell a situation. He hikes, goes fishing, plays golf, you name it. A man who enjoys life in all its aspects.

Unlike the rest of his family, Griffon has an awesome singing voice, able to change pitch, tone and timbre to suit different styles of music and singing. It's another hobby he partakes in for fun and the enjoyment of good music from his home world.

Service Record Intelligence Officer: Lieutenant level