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Mon Jan 20th, 2025 @ 2:53pm

Lieutenant Commander David Wallace

Name David James Wallace

Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Second Position Second Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human/Betazoid
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 184 cm
Weight 88.25 Kg
Hair Color Dark Blonde
Eye Color Green
Physical Description David while physically has many of the medical traits of a Betazoid there are few telltale signs of being one. The only distinguishing feature is a tattoo of a tribal sun on his left arm.


Spouse None
Father R.Adm Jarred Wallace
Mother Claire McKenzie (Deceased)
Sister(s) Alison

Personality & Traits

General Overview Being the son of a Starfleet Commodore isn't easy. David has been forced too work twice as hard proving himself at every corner. Despite having never met his father formally his name has been a burden.
Strengths & Weaknesses David is very independent, he tends too work alone when possible. David hate's the fact that a Father he's never met has indirectly impacted his career ambitions, while peers have already gotten prime assignments he's felt passed over for most major assignments.
Ambitions David wants to cast off the shadow of a father he's never met, and become a reputable officer in his own right.
Hobbies & Interests David's loner habits only exist while he's on duty, there have been occasions where he's the organizer of events. David has also been known too participate in sporting events favoring soccer and hiking.

Personal History David and his fraternal twin sister Alison were born on the Corsica colony, their mother who had left their father about 8 months earlier following an undisclosed falling out, she relocated too the colony too raise the twins.

David and his twin sister were never openly told about their father, they did know he was in Starfleet but had no other information about him. David figured whatever happened between his parents must have been bad for their mother too leave and he never actively attempted too reach out too him. David wasn't a super star athlete or above average in an academic sense, he'd applied too take the entry exams for Starfleet only at the urging of his sister who had applied as well.

When the results of the testing came out, David had passed, his sister hadn't. David was confused, his sister was the more academically inclined, he wasn't, but when he saw the scoring, he had beaten out his sister by exactly two points and got what he learned was the final seat in that years intake.

David left the colony for Earth, but at the urging of his mother he wouldn't seek out his father.

David's first two years at the academy were uneventful, he's managed too get onto the dean's list on two separate occasions, and even earned a spot in the intelligence program for his third year. During the second week in the intelligence program David learned who his father was and that he was not only still in Starfleet he was a high ranking officer in Intelligence operations.

David was on a training exercise when his field training officer made an off color comment about not earning his spot and having it handed too him. David took the comment out of context and engaged in a physical altercation that resulted in both of them being thrown in the stockade for 72 hours. Upon David's release he was on probation for the rest of the semester.

David graduated from the academy, his first assignment has as part of the intelligence detachment aboard the USS Endeavor as analyst, while largely an uneventful assignment David did find much of the work stimulating and even enjoyable. When the fourteen month assignment ended David found himself assigned too USS Watergate. He'd been promoted in status too Assistant Section Chief, working directly under the Chief intelligence officer who had told David about serving under his father.
Service Record Starfleet Academy 4 year officer program/Intelligence officer program

USS Endeavor - Intelligence Analyst

USS Watergate - Intelligence Analyst; promoted too Assistant Chief.

New assignment pending.