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Thu Feb 27th, 2025 @ 5:34pm
Captain Jamie O'Connell
Name Jamie Riley O'Connell
Position COMMAND
Rank Captain
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Species | Human | |
Age | 41 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 6"2" | |
Weight | 170 lbs. | |
Hair Color | Ginger | |
Eye Color | Blue | |
Physical Description | Tall, muscular, and towards the lean side. |
Spouse | None | |
Children | None | |
Father | William O'Connell | |
Mother | Ellen O'Connell (O'Riley) | |
Brother(s) | Adam | |
Sister(s) | Caroline | |
Other Family | None |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Easy going to a point; until the Irish temper takes over. Well kept and well groomed at all times. Considers himself as an "Irish Gentleman" in his day to day activities; and enjoys being around the ladies. | |
Strengths & Weaknesses | S: Takes his job very seriously and has a great respect for those in Command over him. Gets along with most everyone except when he's backed in a corner; then all hell breaks loose. Even though he considers himself an "Irish Gentleman" he goes out of his way to be kind and fair to everyone. W: Does not like to fail, but tries to learn from his mistakes. |
Ambitions | To execute his job to the best of his ability and continuously work towards perfection. Would like to marry one day, but no Children as a Ship isn't an environment to raise them, along with his career in Star Fleet. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Hobbies: History buff and enjoys learning about different 'Ships of the Line'. Interests: Anything mechanical and Martial Arts. |
Personal History | Born in 2360 and raised on a Farm in Cork County Ireland on the planet Earth. Fascinated with mechanical equipment at an early age which often frustrated his Father when he decided to take apart something at the most inconvenient time; although he was able to reassemble the items most of the time. Mechanical things are still of interest to this day. The youngest of three children, with a sister and an older brother who would inherit the family Farm when Jamie made his intentions clear that farming was not for him. His mother was tasked with the job of teaching him the "social graces" and how to become an "Irish Gentleman" which in her eyes would help make him a successful man no matter where life took him. By the time his eighteenth birthday rolled around Jamie had his eyes clearly fixed on joining Star Fleet. Even though his Father objected, his Mother encouraged his decision and won the debate. |
Service Record | 2378 - 2382: Graduated in the top ten percent of his class at Star Fleet Academy with a major in Engineering and a minor in Tactical/Security. 2382 - 2387: First assigned to the USS Intrepid; Intrepid Class in Engineering; Lt. JG. 2387 - 2393: Assistant Chief Engineering Officer; USS Crusader, Lieutenant. 2393 - 2398: Chief Engineering Officer; USS Endeavor; promoted to Second Officer & Chief T/S, Commander. 2398 - 2401: Second Officer & Chief T/S; USS Andromeda; promoted to Executive Officer same rank. 2401 - Present: Promoted to Captain, USS Peel; Commanding Officer; Saber Class, attached to Star Base M-69. |