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Mon Sep 30th, 2024 @ 4:48pm

Lieutenant Commander Angel Devroe

Name Angel Lynn Devroe


Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betaziod
Age 38

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 140 lbs.
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Cobalt Blue
Physical Description Tall, slender, and a muscular well toned body; well endowed. Long, wavy, and silky brown hair which she wears in a pony when on duty or working out.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Arthur Devroe
Mother Elizabeth Karr-Devroe
Sister(s) Jennifer Devroe
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Gets along well with other people and enjoys meeting her fellow Crew Mates; due to her species Angel has the ability to read a person's personality. Respects rank. Hard worker and plans on advancing in rank but is a firm believer that all work and no play makes for an unbalanced life.
Strengths & Weaknesses S: Loyal to her family and friends. Intelligent, organized, work oriented, and believes in a balanced life.

W: Once you have earned her friendship she will do anything for you. Sometimes questions herself but is getting much better with it.
Ambitions To do her job well while maintaining a balanced life. Advance in rank to Captain, but no further. Would like to marry one day if she finds the right person; but no children.
Hobbies & Interests H: Works out practicing Martial Arts to maintain a fit and toned body. Also enjoys collecting 20th century music.

I: Likes getting to know people enjoys observing them as well.

Personal History Angel Lynn Devroe was born in 2363 to Arthur and Elizabeth Devroe on the planet Betazed in a town called Botan. Her Father taught Political Science at a nearby University and her Mother trained other women in using their natural powers.

Arthur was a firm believer that a women could be both strong and physically fit as well as intelligent. To that end he began training Angel, at a young age, in the disciplines of the various Martial Arts. A routine that she still believes in and practices to this day.

Elizabeth trained Angel in the ways of the Betaziod women. Not only teaching her how to read people but also how to block other's feeling and emotions, either by desire or circumstance, which had driven some women to madness.

Jennifer, her sister, was born in 2365 to the family and received the same training. Angel and her Sister became close until Angel left for the Academy; they've hardly spoken since.
Service Record 2381-2385: Attended Star Fleet Academy.

2385-2396: USS Saratoga, Science Officer, Ensign then ACSO, Lieutenant JG.

2396-2401: Transferred to USS Hudson, Chief Science Officer, Lieutenant.

2401 - Present: Transferred to USS Peel as First Officer and acting Chief Science Officer, rank Lt.Commander.