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Mon Nov 25th, 2024 @ 8:20pm

Lieutenant JG Johan Albo

Name Johan Gelron Albo

Position Operations

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Ragalian
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 6'
Weight 160 lbs.
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Good looking, tall, and well maintained both physically and mentally.


Spouse None
Father Ezra Albo
Mother Patrice Cass-Albo

Personality & Traits

General Overview Gets along well with others and respects those in authority over him. Uses his good looks to his advantage whenever possible. Likes to joke around and have fun when the occasion arises; he's also a big flirt when it comes to the ladies.
Strengths & Weaknesses S: Good followthrough and takes pride in his work. Not afraid to step aside if someone else knows more than he does.

W: Some times he doesn't know when to stop with the flirting but is making progress in that area.
Ambitions Continue to work hard and learn all he can to hopefully continue to rise in rank.
Hobbies & Interests H: Music, dancing, and keeping physically fit.

I:Learning all he can about operations as well as other departments.

Personal History Born in 2369 to Ezra and Patrice Albo in a little town on Regalia. Both his Parents served as Diplomats in Star Fleet so life on a ship was second nature to him.

Johan learned as much as he could about ships as well as life in Star Fleet. At the age of fourteen he had developed a real interest in both the Sciences as well as Operations.

When Johan reached the age of eighteen it was a fore gone conclusion he would attend the Academy. Upon entrance into that great institution Johan majored in Operations and minored in the Sciences. With a full work load he excelled at the challenge and graduated in the top ten percent of his class.
Service Record 2387 - 2391: Attended Star Fleet Academy.

2391 - 2396: Served on the USS Hudson as a Science Officer with the rank of Ensign.

2396 - 2400: Transferred to the USS Saratoga in Science and Operations; Lt.JG.

2400-2401: Transferred to the USS Endeavor, same duties and rank.

2401 - Present: Transferred to the USS Peel in Science and Operations; same rank.