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Sun Jun 4th, 2023 @ 8:10pm

Lieutenant Kalva Ren

Name Kalva Ren

Position Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Mek-Purr
Age 43

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 190
Hair Color Gray
Eye Color Yellow
Physical Description Mek-Purr are feline Hominids.
Kalva was injured in a plasma blast as a teen, much of the left side of his body was destroyed and rebuilt, his left arm and left leg are both (obviously) cybernetic, his left eye is as well.
Some of his internal organs are also artificial.
Internally his spine and bones are reinforced with Tritanium.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Kalva is a little bit off, never quite right after the plasma explosion when he was young. Add to that the focus of being a scientist and engineer he tends to be very focused on the project that is in front of him.
He has almost no concept of 'human' sarcasm and a sense of humor that is lost on most non Mek-Purrians.

Strengths & Weaknesses Kalva is driven to be the best at everything that he does. And will bury himself in research to learn as much as possible and when he reaches the limits of what is available will then dig into the most obscure sources to expand his knowledge base.
He is always looking for something new to learn as, from his perspective, there is no piece of knowledge that will fail to add to what he is capable of creating.
Due to his drive to 'discover' and 'expand' his knowledge, skills and technology. Kalva has been known to just do and not consider the consequences of his actions. This is not to say that he is reckless, more to the fact that he can be impatient with accomplishing tasks and gets caught up in what he is doing.
Ambitions To perfect integration of Borg technology into Mek-Purr systems.
Hobbies & Interests Kalva is a Tinkerer and Gadgeteer, he spends most of his free time working on various projects that relate to robotics, cybernetics and AI systems.
He has a significant interest in Borg technology.
Oddly enough, he also likes flowers...

Personal History The Mek-Purr Republic is coreward from the UFP and located in the Beta Quadrant. They are a society of technologists and work to integrate technology into their daily lives through cybernetics, robotics and AI systems.

Where a UFP cruiser might have a crew of 4-600 personnel; a similarly powerful ship in the Mek-Purr fleet will have a crew of 30-40 and a majority of systems and functions would be handled by AI and expert systems.

As the Borg advanced into the Alpha Quadrant they came across a Mek-Purr outpost. Initially, the Mek-Purr thought that they had encountered a kindred race that embraced robotics and cybernetics and thought they might have an opportunity to work With the Borg. It soon became apparent that the Borg was not interested in co-existing, but in assimilation. The Mek-Purr were having none of that. And so began their war with the Borg.

Not the entire war occurred in normal space, much of it also occurred in the 'virtual' world that the Borg intellect exists in.

During the conflict with the Borg, the Mek-Purr were successful in capturing a number of Borg cubes. The Borg they captured were removed from the Borg collective and moved to a colony planet to help those that survived to be able to function outside the collective and become independent beings again.

Then began the process of 'assimilating' Borg technology into their own cyber, robotic and AI systems.

A few years after they encountered the Borg and began their fight with them a UFP scout ship encountered a Mek-Purr research vessel. That encounter did not go well as the Captain of the UFP vessel panicked when he thought he was encountering a Borg threat and began the First Encounter with firing on the Mek-Purr and destroying the ship.

Thus began the UFP/Meek-Purr conflict.

Fortunately for both sides, the UFP realized their error and sued for peace, which the Mek-Purr were willing to accept as their resources were spread thin between fighting off the Borg and having a new enemy on their borders.

As part of this peace both cultures agreed to an officer exchange to try and create a level of cooperation and understanding between their two cultures.


Kalva Ren was crew on a Mek-Purr patrol Fang ship when they encountered a Borg sphere, the conflict was quick, violent and neither side prevailed. During that encounter a plasma conduit in the engineering section of his ship exploded, bathing him in pure plasma. Nearly killing him, the entire left side of his body was melted by the plasma.

After a couple years of rehab and corrective surgery, he stands tall in the navy of the Mek-Purr again as a partial cyborg. Proudly displaying his, very obvious, cybernetics as a badge of courage in the face of an unrelenting enemy.

When the call for volunteers came to experience the culture of the bare skins, he chose to take on that additional challenge and see if they might have anything to teach him that might help with their war with the Borg.

Service Record Kalva Ren
First of Many Technologist
Mek-Purr Republic
Chief Engineer, USS Peel