
  • 35 Mission Posts

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Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 6:04pm

Lieutenant Commander Sheyla {MD}

Name Sheyla {MD}

Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Second Position Executive Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Andorian

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 137lbs.
Hair Color white
Eye Color brown


Personality & Traits

General Overview Sheyla is an adventurer at heart. The fact that she behaves heroically under certain circumstances is a part of her nature but it is not a descriptor of her character. Sheyla is fallible. She makes mistakes and gets hurt, and that is what most people like about her. She's a real gal with her own real problems. She does get hurt and does express her pain and gets her 'mad out', and takes pratfalls and, at times, is the butt of her own jokes. Her imperfections are what makes her the woman, and soldier, she is. People around often note that with a little more exercise and a little more courage they can be just like her.

Sheyla is both a romantic and a cynic; though she does have the traits of a lone wolf; a woman on a quest; a noble warrior, a hardboiled detective; and a patriot. Though a woman seemingly made hard-heartedly cynical by her traumatic combat experiences, Sheyla consistently maintains a steadfast sense of honor and compassion learned through her father, a career marine officer. Complementing her compassionate character is an unshaking sense of integrity and respect for knowledge, believing that culture is something to be shared and preserved for future generations.

Despite her adept physique and strength, Sheyla has low tolerance for alcohol due to the nature of her biology and the dual circulatory system. To aid with better blood flow against a cold environment.. While she possesses some martial arts abilities, Sheyla favors her fists in hand-to-hand, including a technique where she hits an opponent with the back of one hand before following up with a hook from the other, and she is not above fighting dirty when the need arises.