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Wed Sep 11th, 2024 @ 3:31pm

Lieutenant JG Gavin Lasso

Name Gavin Lasso

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Second Position Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human/El-Aurian
Age 129

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 191lbs.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Lasso grew up on several colony worlds and has been through much as a child, able to absorb what he had to deal with to become strong and defend himself against those around him. He carries a lot of pain from that time and someday it is bound to add up to something he won't be experienced enough to handle. Gavin is well aware that grief and guilt are only a micron away from anger and hatred.

From a young age Gavin showed that he was prodigiously talented with anything medically oriented, a gifted pilot, and a skilled mechanic. Years of living on a new colonies taught him to use these skills daily to survive and aid others. His primary interest as he grew up had always been intellectual activities, a proclivity which later aided him when he went to his initial Intelligence training. He excels in emergency medicine and engineering pursuits, which makes him perfect for field operations.
Strengths & Weaknesses Gavin practices mixed martial arts and melee weapons, in the event he should need to improvise at a moment's notice when no firearms are available. Not a master by any means, but he can handle herself in most situations. He is tough as nails for a Human/El-Aurian male, and can take a serious beating before going down.

To sum him up, Gavin Lasso has reckless confidence, fearlessness and courage, a wry wit and a sardonic sense of humor. Hee takes his responsibilities as serious as any other officer.

Personal History Being half El-Aurian Gavin does have quite a long life span. The first century of his life was spent wandering and learning, to become a part of all kinds of enterprises and professions to see where he would land when it was his turn to be sit and relax. After years of running around all four quadrants Gavin finally decided to give Starfleet a go, and so far he enjoys the duties, even if he does hit it off quite well with the less than savory types and the merchant classes. But, to each their own.