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Sun Sep 1st, 2024 @ 10:25pm

Lieutenant JG Yesrin Jen

Name Yesrin Jen

Position Infiltration Specialist

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Trill (Joined)
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 130 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Yesrin is on the taller side for a Trill with short brown hair and has a well toned solid physique.


Spouse None
Father Bain Tolan (joined)
Mother Yesri (unjoined)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Yesrin is a go-getter, takes her duties very seriously, and respects those in Command. When off duty she likes to have fun and enjoy herself. Since being joined a whole new world has been opened up to her.
Strengths & Weaknesses S: Very organized and stays on top of things; especially when on duty.

W: Sometimes she doubts herself, but since being joined Jen has helped her try to overcome her weakness.
Ambitions To help those who need help thereby saving as many lives as possible and to expose those who would do harm.
Hobbies & Interests H: Loves all types of music and enjoys interacting with her Crew mates. Likes to stay in shape.

I: To learn any new technologies to help her become a better Infiltration Specialist

Personal History Born in 2369 on the planet Trill, in a seaside village, to Bain Tolan and Yesri. Yesrin had the best of both worlds having an unjoined Mother and a joined Father. Her Father earned a good living as a fisherman and her Mother tended to the hearth and home making sure all was as it should be.

At a young age her Parents realized Yesrin possessed a natural ability for strength and endurance. Bain decided to enlist the help of a Klingon friend to instruct Yesrin in the ways of the Klingon Warrior which would serve her well in future years. After a period of scrapes and bruises, she rallied around her training and excelled becoming quite proficient making her Klingon Master view her with great honor.

By the time Yesrin reached her seventeenth birthday, she knew she wanted to use her natural and training abilities to help others not as fortunate as herself; Star Fleet was the logical choice. With the blessing of her Mother and Father, who realized some years ago she was destined for more, off to the Academy she went.

Then in 2395 Yesrin was called back to Trill by the Symbiont Commission to be joined to a symbiont named Jen; a Japanese warrior in the tradition of the Samurai. The next year was spent getting to know one another with Yesrin training in the ways of the Samurai Warrior; although she did struggle learning how to quiet her mind. When finally mastered she was able to catch glimpses of her immediate future which would only benefit her in a combat situation. This only added to her abilities.
Service Record 2386 - 2390: Attended the Academy majoring in Infiltration Techniques and minored in Intelligence.

2390 - 2395: Infiltration Specialist aboard the USS Crusader; Ensign.

2395 - 2396: Returned to Trill for joining with Jen.

2396 - 2401: Transferred to the USS Endeavor as an Infiltration Specialist; Lt. J.G.

2401 - Present: Transferred to the USS Peel; Infiltration Specialist; Lt. J.G.