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Thu Sep 26th, 2024 @ 10:13pm

Captain Rogue "Ro" Green

Name Rogue "Ro" Green

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human Augment
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 140lbs.
Hair Color Dark brown/black
Eye Color blue
Physical Description Rogue is a healthy looking woman, with the body of someone who eats right and exercises regularly to stay in shape. She has pierced ears and a piercing above her left eye, as well as a belly button piercing.


Due to the affects of an alien pod Rogue Green underwent genetic changes. As her body adjusted and the genome began to settle some of the more remarkable things she could accomplish have faded away, leaving her, by definition, as a Human Augment like Khan Singh and others. She chooses the term 'transhuman' since she was transformed, not created in a lab. This has put her on par with the Augments. Green is remarkably agile, five times stronger and twice as intelligent as a normal Human, resistant to sickness and has enhanced senses, her heart muscles twice as strong and her lung efficiency fifty percent better. Ro's blood contains platelets capable of regenerating from any disease or toxin, which can be used to cure or revive medical subjects via transfusion. She also has twice the average lifespan of a normal Human. Her resistance to directed energy weapons is greatly improved, as it takes multiple shots with a phaser or phase-pistol to stun her. She can resist the affects of a Vulcan nerve pinch and mind meld.

Due to the enhanced senses Green is capable of hearing a heartbeat from ten meters away, her sense of smell on par with predators like wolves and such.



Spouse N/A
Children N/A. Her twins, son and daughter, were killed during a raid by the Orion Syndicate on a neutral colony she had made her home when not out serving Starfleet.
Father Vice Adm. Aaron Stone
Other Family Her biological family was killed during the attack on Rigo IV, and after living several years alone, relying on the skills her real father had taught her, Ro was rescued by a Starfleet vessel. The man leading the Away Team was a young Lieutenant Aaron Stone, and he took Green in as her guardian once he got to know her. Less than a year later he had put in for official adoption, and though Ro kept her original sir name of Green, she has no father (dad) other than Aaron Stone. He is her world, and she is his.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Green grew up on a colony world (Rigo IV) and has been through much as a child, able to absorb what she had to deal with to become strong and defend herself against those around her. She carries a lot of pain from that time and someday it is bound to add up to something she won't be experienced enough to handle. Rogue is well aware that grief and guilt are only a micron away from anger and hatred.

From a young age Ro showed that she was prodigiously talented with anything medically oriented, a gifted pilot, and a skilled mechanic. Years of living on a new colony taught her to use these skills daily to survive and aid others. Her primary interest as she grew up had always been intellectual activities, a proclivity which later aided her when she went to her initial Intelligence training. She excels in emergency medicine and engineering pursuits, which makes her perfect for field operations.
Strengths & Weaknesses Rogue practices mixed martial arts and melee weapons, in the event she should need to improvise at a moment's notice when no firearms are available. Not a master by any means, but she can handle herself in most situations. She is tough as nails for a Human female, and can take a serious beating before going down.

To sum her up, Rogue Green has reckless confidence, fearlessness and courage, a wry wit and a sardonic sense of humor. She takes her responsibilities as serious as any other officer.

Being who she is, Rogue knows that she has two sides to her persona, described most roughly as passive and aggressive. One half of that nature manifests itself in Green's frequent melancholy about the state of her life: when she is aboard ship, she longs for a life of ease; when moored, her thoughts are focused on space travel. Her violent tendencies range from her enthusiastic beatings of enemies to her willingness to provoke fellow officers.

The flexibility of her nature is a large part of her success. The woman sensitive enough to tread lightly among Klingons in the manner of their culture, is the same who sees the plain necessity in destroying a threat to the Federation, without remorse.

Green has a strong moral center and devotion to the values she finds embodied in the Federation, spending most of her life in its service and defense, since it was the UFP that saved her from a horrible existence. In numerous incidents, she has risked her life for causes she deemed just, and will always do so. Her confidence in her righteousness sometimes leads her to creatively interpret, and outright disobey, her orders. A charismatic and successful officer, Green inspires loyalty from those beneath her, officers and enlisted alike.

Beyond her apparent skills, Green exhibits a comprehensive knowledge of starship systems. Green is capable of scrambling up a Jefferies tube to effect the necessary repairs, at any time, no matter the circumstances.

As a means to avoid battle, or to divert her opponent long enough so she can get he upper hand, Green frequently bluffs or lies her way through a parley.

When it comes to mental assaults and trauma, Rogue has seen her share. As a girl, Green witnessed the massacre of the four thousand colonists on Rigo IV, up to and including her own family. She fought hard to live, using what she had been taught as a child, and using unorthodox methods to secure her own survival. She mourns the loss of her mother, father, and her brother and sister, always. But, she does not let this weaken or deter her.

The demands of Green's career, and life, require her best possible health, and in this endeavor she is always staying physically fit. She spars with North Star crew regularly, not to mention lots of aerobics and physically demanding exercises.

Green's career style often brings her into close proximity with enemies, often resulting in hand-to-hand combat. Her idiosyncratic martial-arts style uses hand-chops to the neck, wrestling and Judo throws, round-house punches, two-fisted swings and open-hand slaps in varying combinations, and even drop kicks. Combined with her MMA training, it makes her a foe to be reckoned with. In addition, Green regularly performs dives and rolls, either to evade phaser-fire or to attack an opponent, thereby often jumping off walls and other fixed elements, similar to the old film star Jackie Chan. At times, a larger, more powerful opponent clearly out-classes Green, leaving her to her wits, the aid of her crew, or pure luck to see her through.
Ambitions Rogue Green has one role model she always looks to, and emulates as much as possible. James T. Kirk. He was, in her opinion, the best and brightest to ever put on a Starfleet uniform. From his command style to his own moral compass, Green is determined to be the next Kirk, to uphold the ideals of the Federation and Starfleet to the best of her abilities.
Hobbies & Interests As would be expected of a person who lived a rough and ready life, Rogue likes the dangerous and thrilling as a means of entertainment. Physical activities are also favored. Since being aboard the North Star, Ro has taken up practicing singing and playing certain instruments such as the guitar, both electric and acoustic, as well as playing drums. She has become quite talented with it since there is always downtime on a starship, and not a lot else to do.

Personal History Due to her capture and subsequent death at the hands of the Reman defectors, Rogue Green has undergone changes to both her physical and mental capacities. She is, by most accounts, a TRANSHUMAN now, due to the effects of a strange Reman pod her body had been placed in.


Rogue has within herself a mysterious power known as the CORE. An energy field created by all living things, and her Goddess, the Q known as Qeritas, has nurtured the CORE in her creation. Green is merely an apprentice with these abilities, but grows stronger on a daily basis. Rogue chooses to look at this odd energy as the "Universal Energy".

CONTROL: The theme of Control is centered on the ability to control one's own body, as self control is the starting point for all Core abilities and knowledge. One of the most well known side-effects of mastering the discipline of Control is prolonged life and the avoidance of decay.

SENSE: involves the next step, in which the individual recognizes the Core in the universe outside herself; a deeper understanding of the living Core. Sense abilities allow Core-wielders to immerse themselves in the environment. By the end of their apprenticeship, Qeritas Champions are expected to use the Core as an additional sense, constantly attuned to the undulation of the Core energy.

ALTER: the third and most difficult area to master, for it involves the student's ability to modify the Core and redistribute its energies. Untamed, these Core powers can cause mass chaos, as the art of manipulating other objects must be perfected and honed. Capable of affecting the environment, these abilities are vital to a successful Champion, as without them, individuals can see the Core, but are incapable of manipulating it.
Service Record Joined Starfleet at 19 yrs of age. Went through the Academy for Intelligence officer, cross training in both Engineering and Strategic Operations.
Service Record At 23, graduated the Academy with above average scores.

Assigned to U.S.S. North Star after a stint in Intelligence field work, in the Bajoran sector.

During her time as an Intelligence officer kept up on medicine and engineering, with medical taking the forefront. Reading journals from both in her spare time, staying caught up. Using this knowledge to better herself, and to shoot for Medical Officer (M.D.).

*Worked with 4 engineers from around Starfleet to redesign ionic conversion coils for more efficiency. They take in more kinetic energy than previous units, recharging their own dedicated batch of batteries. As long as they have energy to feed from they can recharge their own system. This has put her name in several engineering manuals and papers, which she keeps on the downlow. However, in her office there is a plaque hanging up and behind her head while she sits at her desk. Hidden in plain sight.*

Passed her online courses, not only receiving her MD, but also a Ph.D. in emergency medicine from Starfleet Medical.