Commander Sean Loewen {Meji}
Name Sean Christian Loewen {Meji}
Position Commanding Officer
Second Position Operations Officer
Rank Commander
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Species | Human | |
Age | 32 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'11" | |
Weight | 191lbs. | |
Hair Color | Dark brown/black | |
Eye Color | Hazel | |
Physical Description | His eye color seems to change; sometimes they appear light green, sometimes they appear brown, etc. He is noted by others to be handsome. Has a muscular build with broad shoulders and a muscular chest. *** Due to the manipulation of his genetics by the Q, Qeritas, Sean's body is more resilient than the humans of the Milky Way, matching the Human genetics from the Pallean galaxy who have evolved far longer and became tougher and more quick minded. All his physical and mental attributes are 10-15% more effective than Humans from this galaxy. Not a superhuman by any means, it just makes him tougher, slightly stronger, and gives him more endurance than the average Human in the Milky Way. |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Sean possess a dual nature. He can be unusually kind, empathetic, intelligent and independent. But he can also be coldly pragmatic, cruel, vengeful, arrogant, and proud. It is only through constant, deliberate choice that Sean develops his better qualities and rejects his darker side. For Sean the present is more important than the past, but even then, he is not above looking to the past for answers needed in the present. He loves history and reads all about it as often as duty allows, keeping his brain in tune with the galaxy around him. |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Sean exercises regularly, maintaining an athletic build and staying in shape through various activities. Another part of his physical exercises is martial arts ranging from Wing Chun kung fu, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, MMA, boxing and kickboxing, and even some training in Klingon Mokbara. His martial skills do include melee combat. | |
Ambitions | His only ambition, as far as others can tell, is to serve Starfleet with honor and loyalty. Beyond that he never speaks of any 'desires' he may have in life. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Many and varied, form music to athletics, to outdoors activities. Academics are also a favorite pastime when he is not feeling the need for the physical. |
Personal History | Sean has within himself a mysterious power known as the CORE here in the Milky Way by those in the know. In another galaxy it is known as The Force, An energy field created by all living things, and his mentor, the Q known as Qeritas, has nurtured the CORE in her apprentice. Loewen is an acolyte with these abilities, but continues to grow and learn more as time goes by. Sean chooses to look at this odd energy as the "Universal Energy", following Ro Green's example. CONTROL: The theme of Control is centered on the ability to control one's own body, as self control is the starting point for all Core abilities and knowledge. One of the most well known side-effects of mastering the discipline of Control is prolonged life and the avoidance of decay. SENSE: involves the next step, in which the individual recognizes the Core in the universe outside herself; a deeper understanding of the living Core. Sense abilities allow Core-wielders to immerse themselves in the environment. By the end of their apprenticeship, Qeritas Champions are expected to use the Core as an additional sense, constantly attuned to the undulation of the Core energy. ALTER: the third and most difficult area to master, for it involves the student's ability to modify the Core and redistribute its energies. Untamed, these Core powers can cause mass chaos, as the art of manipulating other objects must be perfected and honed. Capable of affecting the environment, these abilities are vital to a successful Champion, as without them, individuals can see the Core, but are incapable of manipulating it. |