
  • 7 Mission Posts

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Wed Aug 7th, 2024 @ 4:49pm

Lieutenant Sean Loewen

Name Sean Christian Loewen

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Second Position Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 191lbs.
Hair Color Dark brown/black
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description His eye color seems to change; sometimes they appear light green, sometimes they appear brown, etc. He is noted by others to be handsome. Has a muscular build with broad shoulders and a muscular chest.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Sean possess a dual nature. He can be unusually kind, empathetic, intelligent and independent. But he can also be coldly pragmatic, cruel, vengeful, arrogant, and proud. It is only through constant, deliberate choice that Sean develops his better qualities and rejects his darker side.

For Sean the present is more important than the past, but even then, he is not above looking to the past for answers needed in the present. He loves history and reads all about it as often as duty allows, keeping his brain in tune with the galaxy around him.
Strengths & Weaknesses Sean exercises regularly, maintaining an athletic build and staying in shape through various activities. Another part of his physical exercises is martial arts ranging from Wing Chun kung fu, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, MMA, boxing and kickboxing, and even some training in Klingon Mokbara. His martial skills do include melee combat.
Ambitions His only ambition, as far as others can tell, is to serve Starfleet with honor and loyalty. Beyond that he never speaks of any 'desires' he may have in life.
Hobbies & Interests Many and varied, form music to athletics, to outdoors activities. Academics are also a favorite pastime when he is not feeling the need for the physical.