
  • 3 Mission Posts

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Tue Jan 28th, 2025 @ 8:09pm

Lieutenant Kah’lyn Chiara-Rivers

Name Kah’lyn Chiara-Rivers

Position Operations Officer

Second Position Computer Systems Specialist

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human/Romulan
Age 36

Physical Appearance

Height 5’ 6”
Weight 128 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Kah'lyn is an attractive young woman, she has Brown hair, and green eyes. As a half Romulan she has the pointed ears and raised eyebrows of her heritage


Spouse Commander Croesus Rivers
Children Verelan (daughter - Human/Romulan/Klingon hybrid - 2 years, 6 months) *means beautiful in Romulan*
Father Terrh (Romulan)
Mother Cassie
Other Family Keri and Andreas Chiara (foster parents)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kah'lyn is a young woman of two very different heritages, she has the calm and friendly demeanour of her Human heritage but a more firey Romulan half. She has a temper that’s easily triggered, which she is endeavouring to control.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths;
- Dedicated
- Strong willed
- Skilled with a Bat’leth and hand to hand

- Can be hot tempered
- Hates her Romulan side
- Knows nothing of her Romulan heritage
Ambitions To be a good Starfleet Officer and serve with distinction just as she promised her foster parents she would.
To learn better control of her temper and not get herself into trouble, like she has in the past.
Hobbies & Interests Kah'lyn has a plethora of hobbies including regular sparring on the holodeck to keep her temper in check, playing cards, reading, and a whole host more.

She may not be a Klingon but Kah’lyn is highly skilled with a Bat’leth, she’s also able to hold her own in a hand to hand fight.

Personal History Kah'lyn knows very little about where she was born or who her real parents were, she was found alive in a stasis pod in the wreck of a Romulan vessel at several months old. No response was ever received from the Romulan government regarding the ship or its tiny passenger.

As such Kah'lyn was taken in by a Human foster family, both Starfleet Officers. DNA tests revealed baby Kah'lyn to be half Human and half Romulan, her pointed ears and raised eyebrows the obvious give away of her heritage. She was raised aboard various Starships and Starbases throughout her early years, as she grew up she was forever in trouble due to her hot temper but her parents found a way to temper it.

As she grew up Kah'lyn took an interest in becoming a Starfleet Officer, sponsored by the Captain of her parents ship she entered the Academy at sixteen, which was bitter sweet as both her parents were killed during a firefight based on a complete misunderstanding with the Romulans.

Wanting to live up to their memory she continued her career and was a dedicated student at the Academy. She showed a natural talent for Operations and a knack with computers that astounded her teachers. She graduated four years later with honours in all her subjects.

Kah’lyn has a firey temper which she keeps in check by sparring on the holodeck. She learnt how to use a Bat’leth and she has full mastery of the art of using it, she’s also quite skilled in hand to hand combat.

Having made the rank of Lieutenant during her t8md aboard the USS Liberty, Kah’lyn was demoted to Lieutenant (jg) when she had a disagreement with her XO resulting in her punching him and knocking out two teeth. She has since learnt to control her temper better.

Kah'lyn was recently assigned to the USS Saratoga, a support ship of Starbase 400 but with news of the ship's destruction she has requested to be transferred to Starbase 400 itself as an Opetations officer and Computer Specialist.

Kah’lyn is married to Ops Chief Croesus, they have a daughter Verelan.
Service Record 2384-2388 - Starfleet Academy
2388-2390 - USS Alabama (Galaxy Class - rank Ensign)
2390-2393 - USS Liberty (Sovereign Class - rank Lieutenant (jg)/Lieutenant)
2393-2395 - USS Columbus (Galaxy Class Dreadnaught - rank Lieutenant (jg)
2395-2400 - Starbase 400 (rank Lieutenant)
2400 - Transferred to Starbase m69