#7 Answers
Posted on Sat Nov 19th, 2022 @ 12:28pm by Commodore Sureth & Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Commander Kehlani
Edited on on Mon Nov 21st, 2022 @ 2:12pm
Location: various
Timeline: current
Setting herself in a strong stance Taavis stood to Kehlani's right as they faced the main viewer. Kay gave the order. "Contact Starbase Mercury, Captain Sureth, and inform them that we have Commander Taavis aboard and are requesting visual communication."
"Of course, HoD." Ch'tang sent the message. "Message received."
"Now, we wait," said Kehlani.
A few minutes later an unfamiliar face appeared as General Thirman answered.
" I am JAG officer General Thirman. Why is the Executive Officer and station security chief of this starbase aboard your vessel?"
"Because I wish it, General," answered Kehlani, normal for her fiery Klingon blood.
"If I may," stated Taavis, cutting off anymore of what Kay was going to say. "General Thirman, I am seeking asylum aboard the IKS Talon, a Klingon vessel. Though it be in service to Starfleet it is an Imperial vessel. You need to fully explain what I am being accused of, along with my commanding officer, Captain Sureth. What I hear may determine if I return, or not, to Mercury."
Kehlani glanced back over her shoulder. "Shields up and weapons charged but not active." Ch'tang acknowledged and did just that. No one gets beamed off her ship without her permission.
Taavis looked over at Kehlani. "You are not helping, but thank you, anyway."
[ Commander this stations security was breached by unknown forces. The security chief was not to be found and the Commanding Officer can not tell me why security was so breached. Violation of Regulation 15: Regulation that prohibited the transfer of weapons by Starfleet officers to other races without the approval of the Federation Council. Two prototype torpedoes were stolen from Starbase Mercury. If those two torpedoes are found I was dismiss the charges.] Thirman replied.
Taavis gave a slow nod. First, there have many, many Security breaches on this station, long before I ever arrived. As for a weapons transfer, I have no knowledge. Missing torpedoes that I was never informed about to begin with, which smacks at someone not doing their job elsewhere and then letting Security know about it. All of these are allegations with no evidence, unless we rely on circumstantial and hearsay."
Kehlani had let her initial Klingon attitude settle down. "General Thirman, I am the Strategic Operations Chief on Mercury. If there are to be ANY classified weapons on Mercury then it stands to reason that I should have been informed, as should Commander Taavis, along with Intelligence."
Once Kehlani finished speaking Taavis raised a placating hand to the general. "General, I have enlisted the aid of one Captain Silk, a privateer who does odd jobs for Starfleet, in tracking down and locating where a majority of stolen goods may have been taken. He can use ways and means we cannot. I assure you he will find a great deal of equipment. As for the torpedoes, you stated that if I located them and returned them, then all would be dropped. If you include my mentor and Commanding Officer, Captain Sureth, in that then I will go right now, with Kehlani, and we will find answers. This means I go undercover and you people may not hear from me for a while. Is that something you can live with, Sir?"
[ If the two torpedoes are returned I will have no reason to hold an inquirey.] Thirman replied.
"We have to make this right, General," Taavis stated. "As of now I resign my commission as a Starfleet officer. Since no charges have been levied at this time then I am free to do so. I am enlisting the aid of House Grilka in this matter since prototype torpedoes endanger all of us who are allies. We will find them, Sir, one way or another, and why I need to not be connected to Starfleet during my investigation. My investigation begins now, Sir. Until I have something further to report live long and prosper, General."
Kehlani gave a nod of respect to the General. "I too will be unavailable to Starfleet, Sir. At this time I will act as the Envoy I am, and a Klingon ally in this matter. With how events unfolded the entire base should be under suspicion, not a handful of officers. As Taavis has said; when we know something you will receive reports. Until then, may you die well. IKS Raptoress signing off." The channel closed from her end. "Helm, set course for Qo'noS, maximum warp." The forward window showed the stars spinning to the starboard as the ship turned in its flight path and realigned before warping out. "I need to speak to the High Council and Chancellor M'vek."
Taavis needed a place for quiet contemplation so Kehlani took her off the Bridge and to her quarters. The HoD would be joining her warriors in the galley for the crew meal, always a chance for all to speak their minds and convey any concerns for their people, with respect for the HoD in mind, of course. All would unfold as it should.