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Post # 28 " Goodbye Old Friend "

Posted on Sat Mar 4th, 2023 @ 4:05pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Hiri & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone

Mission: Mission 9 Deal with the Devil
Location: Starbase M-69
Timeline: Stardate 777261.4


< Nova 2 >

Following the meeting Sureth quickly went to the airlock where the Nova 2 moored. Rushing to Captain Deke Rivers quarters he found his old friend slumped on the floor.

" Captain Rivers, Deke wake up." Sureth said holding his friends head.

Deke lay unconscious but alive as he had suffered a heart attack.

" Sureth to sickbay emergency beam out on this transponder." the Commodore ordered.

< SB M-49 >

Deke Rivers materialized in sickbay greeted by Dr Hiri.

Hearing a commotion in Sick Bay proper, Doctor Williams rushed out of the Office in time to see Dr. Hiri and an Aid lifting Captain Deke Rivers onto one of the Bio-beds "Dr. Hiri what's going on with Captain Rivers" he queried seeing that Deke didn't look so good.

" He has suffered a cardiac arrest. He is stabilized but the biobed is what is keeping him alive. It would seem he has a chronic condition." Hiri replied.

"That's not good news" Ramvek paused thinking for a moment then went on "Doctor take a blood sample, cross reference it with our Medical Database.....let's see if he's viable for an artificial heart or not" came the Doctor's orders "Then at least we'll have a starting point for some type of treatment."

" His blood type is O positive Doctor. But it has an anomali. He has been taking a blood inhibitor. Some sort of alien blood inhibitor." Hiri added.

"That is not good.....unless we have some sort of idea what the inhibitor is.....we won't be able to filter it out of his blood" then Ramvek paused for a moment "I'm afraid an artificial heart may be out of the question and nature will have to take it's course" he explained sadly never wanting to loose a Patient.

" His next of kin is a Commander on Starbase 400. Commander Croesus. I will call him." Hiri said as he slipped over to her station.

Deke's eyes opened as he whispered.

" Don't let ...this linger ...on." he said looking up to Dr Williams.

Ramvek could feel a chill run up his spine at Deke's request; but at least the Captain realized just how sick he really was. Smiling he replied "Not to worry Deke.....I will give you something to ease any pain you may be experiencing.....nature will take care of the rest very soon." The Doctor tried his best to console his Patient as he gave him a Hypo of some very strong pain medication.....that in and of itself may very well do him in. Tapping his Comm "Commodore Sureth you may want to come to Sick Bay....soon" he stated.

[ Understood ] Sureth replied as he quickly rushed through the air lock to the turbo lift.

Hiri returned with a PADD and the image of Croesus the half Klingon son of Deke Rivers.
Their conversation went on for several minutes allowing Commodore Sureth to arrive.

" What happened Doctor?" Sureth enquired.

"Captain Rivers has chronic heart problems and to make matters worse he's been using an alien blood inhibitor" Ramvek explained "His heart is worn out and with the inhibitor in his blood I'm afraid an artificial heart is not possible....his body will only reject it. Sadly there is nothing more I can do for Deke....soon nature will take it's course" which was the last thing that he wanted to tell Sureth.

Sureth accepted Williams words and then approached Deke's bed.

" I always said you were the heartless one Old Friend. Turns out it was me. " Deke punned.

" You are not funny. Why were you taking blood inhibitors?"

" Temporal anemia. I suffered all my life from the temporal jump. Turns out we were not from the prime universe Sureth.
Slowly all of my peers died from this disease. A Bolian Doctor had a treatment firbtemporal anemia but the Federation would not approve it. So I took the medication to help further his research.
I am the last of the Vengeance crew." Deke replied.

" Deke I am not pleased to learn this information but you are an exemplary officer and friend. I have been and ever shall be yours." Sureth replied.

Deke smiled and slowly fell to sleep.

" He needs his rest Commodore." Hiri urged.

Doctor Williams hearing Deke's explanation, was saddened by his plight. Looking at Sureth "I promise you we will do everything in our power to make his passing as painless as possible" Ramvek promised wishing he could do more.

" Thank you Doctor. I will wait with him." Sureth replied.

Hiri joined Dr Williams carrying the same PADD from earlier with Croesus.
" Sir we have a message from Dr Zazz Haug, Deke's physician. Apparently Commander Croesus called him."

Doctor Williams took the offered PADD from Dr. Hiri and began to read it's contents "Shit!" he exclaimed then ran into the Lab. A few minutes later Doctor Williams ran out with a smile on his face looking towards Hiri and Sureth "Looks like it is not over until the fat lady sings" as he injected Captain Rivers with a Hypo then looking at some puzzled faces "Doctor Haug told me what to use to counteract the inhibitor.....Hydro Benzene.....Doctor Hiri prep Captain Rivers for surgery."

Hiri smiled and complied as there were only minutes to act on this.

Sureth watched and stepped out of the way as the medical staff got busy.

Doctor Williams returned from the Lab with the artificial heart floating in a Hydro Benzene bath to keep it sterile which would cut down on the chance of infection and rejection. Walking up to Deke's bedside Ramvek began to direct his team "Ensign Stone initiate a sterile field around Rivers' chest......Doctor Hiri grab the plasma scalpel" moments later "Ok team lets get to work".

With Doctor Hiri assisting and Nurse Stone making sure the sterile field stayed in tact Doctor Williams made an incision down Deke's chest and opened him up. "Nurse hand me a spreader" as Heidi complied "Here Doctor". Williams carefully made his work area larger then began to disconnect the worn out heart; meanwhile Nurse Stone put Deke on a breathing apparatus to do the breathing for him. Several minutes later the old heart was removed then the Doctor began to reconnect the new artificial heart carefully....he would only get one shot at this. After about thirty minutes the new heart was ready for a test run "Doctor Hiri hand me the stimulator" he said as Hiri was already one step ahead of him and immediately handed Ramvek the device. He placed it on Deke's heart and pressed a button with fingers crossed.....moments later Deke began to breath on his own. "Nurse standby....let's make sure he keeps breathing on his own before we disconnect him from the machine." then looking at his team "Well done everyone, I think Deke may make it after all....but the next twenty four hours are critical so we'll have to keep a close on eye on him."

"I'll stay with him overnight and keep monitoring his recovery until you return in the morning Doctor Williams" she offered with a smile "It's not very often I get to witness a miracle."

Sureth exited sickbay and awaited word of Deke's condition and hopeful recovery.

With all that was going on Sureth never liked to say goodbye to an old friend. Often times it was for the last time and even for Vulcan's that was disheartening.



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