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Post # 003 A Custom Treatment

Posted on Mon Nov 8th, 2021 @ 4:43pm by Crewman Recruit Leaf Brol & Lieutenant Lily Crawford & Lieutenant Yama Ito Dr
Edited on on Tue Nov 16th, 2021 @ 4:49pm

Mission: Character Development
Location: Starbase Mercury
Timeline: Concurrent to Post 001

Lily lay on a biobed in the main sickbay of Starbase Mercury. She was still feeling exhausted, more so after any exertion; even walking from the docking bay to sickbay had been tiring for her. She heard someone come into the area and turned her head to see Dr. Ito. "What's the prognosis, Doctor?" she asked.

He smiled at her. "It's not bad, Lieutenant." he replied. "Scans show that whatever you faced altered the mitochondria in your cells. They're having trouble keeping up with your energy consumption. We're going to need to do a particular kind of cell therapy which will restore the function of the mitochondria."

Lily pondered this. "I see." she said. "Are there any risks?"

"This procedure has rarely been done on humans. However, there have been no noted complications." Dr. Ito told her. "However, it may take some time. We're looking at several sessions, over the course of days, or depending how your body takes them, up to a few weeks."

"Weeks?" Lily raised herself up to a sitting position and looked at the doctor. "Doctor, I could hardly walk from the Bohr to sickbay. This is a big station. What am I to do, sit in my quarters and twiddle my fingers?"

"I'd like to try the first treatment now and see how well you take it. Depending on how much it helps, you may be able to return to work immediately. If you tire easily, we can set you up with a hoverchair to get you around." Ito was sympathetic to her situation. "I understand you're a scientist. Are your experiments labor intensive?"

"No. My main area of study is astrophysics. It's hard to get labor intensive with a star." Lily joked. "I have some biology experiments to do for Brol, but they should be pretty easy to do. Let's start the treatments, Doctor, and see how they go. We can't work on conjecture alone."

" Are you the Lily? Before the voice in your head was not yours." Brols voice said.

Lily leaned back in the bed, lying flat on her back again. "Brol?" she asked.

"Is something wrong?" The doctor asked.

"No." Lily shook her head. "I think Brol's trying to talk to me."

"Ahhh. Right. I'll be right back." Ito said, and left.

I'm me again Lily thought, wondering which way was better to communicate with the creature.

" Brol will use the common tongue. Another's voice had your body. I was right." Brol stated

"I'm sorry, Brol, but you were right. I was under the control of the creature they captured." Lily told him. "I tried to fight, but I'm not sure which, was too strong."

" Brol is upset the repellent didn't work. The creature won." Brol sadly replied.

"The creature didn't win. We survived." Lily said.

" The child is gone." Brol cried.

Lily had not been aware of this. "What?" she almost sat up, but the fatigue was overwhelming.

" The Counselors child was stolen by the creature. " Brol added.

"Oh God." Lily groaned. "Poor Isabelle." she sighed. "Brol, I'm really very tired, and I have treatment ahead of me yet. I think I need to rest."

((( Yes rest.))) Brol projected.

When he was gone Dr Ito returned.
" Sleep well Lily." he said brushing some loose hair from her face

Lily gave a tiny smile. "Thank you, Doctor." she whispered, closing her eyes.



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