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Nov/Dec/Jan posting report

Posted on Sun Jan 15th, 2023 @ 7:53am by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas

It’s time for a posting report, this is just for fun to see how our simm is progressing. This report takes in November to yesterday’s posts and only includes pcs, not npcs.

Sureth - 9
Rivers - 6
Taavis - 7
Callaghan - 6
Billi - 8
Resch - 5
Kehlani - 6
Ejo - 1
Poole - 7
Williams - 11
Veran-Dallas - 9
Wallace - 1
Dawson - 4
Silk - 6

A grand total of 43 posts (up to the end of yesterday)

Congratulations to Ramvek Williams with the most posts for this period.

New Arrivals
- We’ve only had 1 so far this month, Welcome David Wallace!

As always any mission suggestions, problems, worries, loa requests, or questions please let your friendly Command team know and we’ll do our best to help you.


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