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Post 007 "Here Comes Trouble"

Posted on Sat Aug 20th, 2022 @ 8:18pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone & Commodore Sureth

Mission: Mission 7 Life is but a Dream
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Current


{Deck 41 - Sick Bay}

Doctor Ramvek was in his Office when he heard a commotion in Sick Bay and at the same time heard Nurse Stone call him. Ramvek shot out into the main area just in time to see Dr. McGregor being hauled in by Security shouting and wiggling.

Looking at Security "What's going on here" Ramvek demanded not knowing anything about the situation.

Security replied "McGregor tried to beam the Counselor off the Base to someplace unknown and has threatened to kill Warrant Officer Dallas. The Captain wants him stabilized then he goes back to Earth to answer to the authorities."

Meanwhile Cal was shouting and yelling, trying to break free, with swearing and threats while Security kept him under control.

Seeing what was going on Nurse Stone prepared a strong Hypospray and handed it to Ramvek "Here maybe this will help calm him down" she commented then stood back just in case Cal broke free.

Ramvek nodded to Heidi being quite sick of Cal's temperament then gave him the shot in the neck and moments later Cal collapsed "Put him over here on this Biobed and I'll restrain him" he directed Security who proceeded to do as the Doctor directed.

Then Security turned to the Doctor "As per the Captain's orders we will post up outside until he gets a transfer" he explained.

The Doctor sighed within "That's probably a good idea; I should have Cal stabilized fairly soon" he replied hoping for sooner than later.

The first thing Ramvek did was to take a blood sample then went into the Medical Lab to see what he could find. After several minutes he noticed that his blood was similar to Isabelle's having the green spikes attached to the blood cells....only this time much more so and in higher concentrations. The Doctor was a little puzzled then realized what had probably happened....Cal was experimenting on himself. Ramvek prepared a Hypospray similar to Isabelle's only in a much higher concentration.

Walking back out to Sick Bay proper Ramvek administered the Hypo to Cal to help to stabilize him and get him back into his right mind which he now clearly was not. The Doctor watched the Screen very closely to make sure there're wen't any adverse effects.

Suddenly Cal's vitals dropped quickly which caused Ramvek to get quite nervous as Heidi stood by and watched "Give him a few minutes and he should stabilize...he's has some nasty stuff in his system" she commented trying to reassure the Doctor. After several nervous minutes Cal's vitals returned back to almost normal as Ramvek let out a sigh of relief "That was a close one, I was about to administer a counter agent if his vitals hadn't improved" he stated.

After about an hour Cal came to as Ramvek noticed him opening his eyes and walked over to him "You're in Sick Bay Doctor and are restrained for your own safety" he stated as Cal opened his mouth but was unable to speak "The loss of speech is a side effect from the drugs I gave you and should only be temporary" Then he leaned closer to Cal "Why did you experiment on yourself like almost killed you" he asked knowing he wasn't about to get an answer. Cal just looked at the Doctor as a tear came into his eye realizing what he had done.

"You just lay there and rest, you're body has been through a lot" Ramvek stated then looking at Heidi "Nurse Stone keep an close eye on his vitals for awhile....I need to take care of something."

Ramvek walked into the Medical Lab then closed the door as he tapped his Comm "Captain Sureth this is Doctor Williams, I have Cal stabilized whenever you want him to be transferred" he explained being glad this ordeal was over.

Cal opened his eyes which had a greenish glow.
" I will be back." he said with a double voice.

" Commander Taavis lock onto this communicator signal and beam this patient to your coordinates."

Then Cal was transported away.

" He will get treatment on Earth." Sureth told the Doctor.

"That's good to hear" Ramvek replied "Considering how much he's been experimenting on himself I expect Cal to have a difficult recovery....if he ever does fully recover."


Captain Sureth
Commanding Officer
Star Base Mercury

Lieutenant Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury

Ensign Heidi Stone
Head Nurse
Star Base Mercury


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