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Post # 008 " Hot Dawg "

Posted on Mon Aug 22nd, 2022 @ 3:35pm by Lieutenant Bob Covenant & Kitten Dawson

Mission: Mission 7 Life is but a Dream


While off duty USS Bohr chief Ops officer Bob Covenant frequented the stations new restaurant.
" Is this place open?" Bob asked.

Kitten was behind the bar doing inventory when she heard someone call out. Standing up she walked from behind the bar and over to where the officer stood. "It's open I'm Kitten the owner. Would you like a seat?"

" Yes. I am starved. What's good to eat?" Bib asked.

Kitten handed him a menu " We sell Pizza, Hot Dogs and Burgers, fries and nachos,"

" Sounds like heaven. Give me an old fashioned slaw dawg." Bob replied.

"One Slaw Dog coming up," Kitten said as she headed for the bar and called the order back to her cook. It only took a few minutes. Picking up the tray, with the slaw dog, a order of waffle fries and a glass of lemonade Kitten walked over to the table and set the tray down. "Let me know if you like it."

" OH I like it Kitten. CATS would be a great name for this place." Bob commented. As he spoke others began to come in.
" Best slaw dog in the universe folks." he added.

"I'm glad you like it," Kitten replied "The lemonade is fresh squeezed. No replicated things in here it's all cooked fresh and to order."

" That is going to be expensive way out here. You should make contact with the natives on Savai. They have a new bio dome that grows fresh produce. " Bob replied.

"I just might have to do that, but remember I said nothing is replicated that includes all the meats too," Kitten commented.

" You must be very wealthy then. " Bob replied

"Not that wealthy, I have several shipments that I brought with me and more on the way," Kitten said "Trust me it's going to be just fine"

" Well the food taste delicious and I hope you have great fortune here Ms Kitten or is it Misses?" Bob asked.

"It's Miss Kitten, I'm not married."

Bob smiled but said nothing. " I am on station a few more days. Let me know if you want to take a tour if that Biodome. I would love the company. " Bob said as he prepared to go.

"I'll do that, give me a day or two to get things settled and I'd like that tour," Kitten replied



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