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Post # 009 " The Last Ride "

Posted on Mon Aug 22nd, 2022 @ 3:36pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D.

Mission: Mission 7 Life is but a Dream
Location: Starbase Mercury/M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


A guest on an old enemies Starbase was a lot to swallow for the old Klingon Waroq. He was OK to set foot on Starbase Mercury and even enjoyed the pleasantries but that was not enough for the old warrior.

" This is Waroq calling the Doctor . Join me on my ship for a night cap." he said into the given coms badge to Dr Ramvek Williams.

Ramvek heard the invitation from the old Klingon Warrior and decided to take him up on his offer, besides it would give him a chance to see first hand how the gentleman was holding up with the additional medication the Doctor had given him "It would be my honor to join you on your Ship for a nightcap" he replied even though it had been a very long day.

Sureth also received the summons and decided to accept the offer as well.

Seeing the doctor on the transporter Sureth nodded.

" Fascinating he summoned you as well?"

Doctor Williams wasn't terribly surprised seeing Sureth since it was one Commanding Officer seeing another "Looks that way" he commented "We did get along pretty well when he came to Sick Bay awhile back....this will give me a chance to see how's he doing with the medicine that I gave for him to take along with him" he commented.

" My new friends come and have a glass of warnog and let us tell tall tales. Alas we have found the Raptor. Helm break orbit and prepare to go to warp." Waroq ordered .

On hearing the old Klingon Williams leaned over towards Sureth"Did I just hear him correctly....we're breaking orbit and leaving the Base" he queried being a little apprehensive at the thought.

" It would seem so Doctor. Excuse me Commander Waroq?" Sureth replied.

" General.or it should be. I lost my position when I allowed the raptor to escape Kitomer. I have search hi and low and now I have finally found its warp signature. You and the Doctor will be my witnesses to my destroying that warlord and restoring my honor." Waroq replied.

Doctor Williams thought to himself "I sure hope he actually can destroy his foe" but decided to help out the cause "Commander It will be a glorious battle and defeat of your enemy. They will sing the praises of your name for generations in the Great Halls of Kronos" he commented then looked at Sureth and shrugged.

" Yes we will sing. He pagh pagh pagh DoD vagh' yInab. A planet covered in arachnids ." Waroq replied.

Sureth’s eyebrow raised.
" I am familiar with these spiders from the Amandora's logs. If we are going there we are in great danger."

Hearing what the Captain had just said made the Doctor more than a little concerned "Perhaps I shouldn't encourage the old Klingon any further.....maybe he has lost his mind after all" he thought then looking at Sureth he whispered "Now what."

" Commander Waroq Are you familiar with the proverb that revenge is a dish best served cold?" Sureth asked.
" Of course Captain. Do you mock me?" Waroq asked.
" No But we know these arachnids devour all flesh. If the Romulans are down there they are most definitely dead. Would that not be a suitable revenge?" said Sureth.

" What does a Vulcan know of revenge? No because they didn't die at my hands. Scan for life signs."

" Non detected my Lord."

Sureth looked to Ramvek.
" The ship they are scanning still has a warp core active. They also have maintained a shield. There might actually be survivors."

"And how do you propose to find out Captain....the only thing the old Klingon wants to do is blow them to pieces so he can have one last glorious battle before his time is up" Ramvek replied not really knowing much about tactical strategies.

Sureth strolled around the back of Waroqs chair and took in another visual of the tactical board. Returning to Ramvek he then added.

" Commander Waroq would you consider an alternative alternative? The spider have probably killed the Romulans but if it is a battle to the death you seek you can battle the arachnids and return the warlord back to Qonos in tow."

" A warriors return. Lay down suppression fire once we enter the lower atmosphere. Clear me a path to that warbird." Waroq replied.

They could feel the old D-7 entering the atmosphere.

" The spiders are returning fire. Some sort of energy webs." an officer stated.
" Activate the cloak."

The arachnids had taken over yet another world but sure enough an aging Romulan bird of prey sat on the surface with only its protective shields to sustain life. The original Commander and subcommander was long dead but a few of the crew survived and awaited death every day.

" Laoq something is firing on the creatures. Maybe it is our rescue?"
" These many years there is no rescue. Prepare yourselves for the reconing." Laoq told those who heard. Those being a dozen survivors who were once young and now old . Surviving on the replicator rations and anything else that helped them survive.

The Klingon ship cleared out a large patch and immediately fired a harpoon to tow the ship out saving power they would need to break orbit.


" We have them in tow my Lord."
" Qapla! "

The arachnids returned as the ship lifted off and one of the creatures spinned a web and secured it to the long wench from the D-7.

The Doctor could feel the old Ship vibrating and the engines screaming as they broke through the atmosphere and returned to space . Looking over at Sureth "Looks like your plan worked Captain" he commented then let out a long sigh inwardly.

" Once we are in orbit we will hail the Raptor and inform them we will tow themout of this universe." Waroq declared.

Sureth objected " Commander these people were only following orders. At least allow myself and Dr Williams go go over and see to their needs. It is dishonorable to fight a weaken opponent is it not?"

" Very well you have one hour. If you are on there after you will die with them." Waroq replied.


The Captain and Doctor transported over to the Romulan Ship as Ramvek declared "We're not here to do you any harm....we're here to help with any medical needs you may have. I need to know if you have any medical supplies on board" since the Doctor had not brought any supplies just to have a nightcap; or so he thought at the time.

" Federation?" one asked.
" I am Ulan Laoq. I am the one in charge. Are we your prisoners?"

Ramvek tried to figure out the answer truthfully "Yes we are from the Federation and no your not the Federation's prisoners" he replied "And it's nice to meet you long have you been stranded on that planet" he queried.

" We have been stranded down there for two years. I am one of the last of the original crew. Is your Ship nearby?"

" We are actually aboard a Klingon warship. You are in tow to be taken back to Qonos. Unless you don't go. Doctor please see to the wounded. Laoq take me to your engine room. I may have a strategic solution to both of our problems." Sureth replied.

"Right away Captain" Ramvek replied hoping Sureth had a plan to help these poor souls. He found what medical supplies he could as set to treating the wounded straight away.

Sureth made a gamble and hoped it panned out. Being familiar with the cloaking device Sureth helped Laoq make the repairs to the system. Though the energy would drain other systems the Romulan would be able to escape to fight another day.

When the hour neared it's end Sureth found Williams.
" We have done all that we can do Doctor. Sureth to Klingon cruiser we are ready to beam back.

Static filled the reply.
Sureth turned to Laoq and asked, " Can you scan the Klingon ship?"

" Scanning an arachnid on the hull it appears to be attacking the engine room." Laoq reported.
" Do you have disruptors?" Sureth asked.
" No only phasers."
" Target the spider and fire." Sureth ordered.

The lush phaser contacted the arachnid and enveloped it until it exploded. Laoq then targeted the Klingon reactor room.

" Do not fire again. Hail the Klingons." yelled Sureth.
[ You attacked my ship.] yelled Waroq.

" Your foe is dead Waroq. These people are younger crew that were too young to have served during the Kitomer massacre. They just saved your life let them go home in peace. Unless you have no honor any more?" Sureth poked.

" You do mock me. Fine I will let them.pass. I grow tired of this chase. Now I have a new enemy...arachnids." Waroq replied.

Sureth turned to Dr Ramvek Williams.
" I guess I should have secured our ride home first."

Ramvek couldn't help himself after all that had happened these past few hours and chuckled " Logic would dictate that would have been the correct course of action" then he broke out into a full on laugh.

" Laoq might I ask for a favor?" Sureth asked as he requested a drop off to Starbase Mercury.

Waroq returned and blasted away at a group of the spiders giving Laoq opportunity to cloak the old Ship and bring a heading to Starbase Mercury to deliver Captain Sureth and Doctor Williams home.



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