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Post# 10. " Away Down Yonder "

Posted on Wed Aug 24th, 2022 @ 4:45pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant JG Ellie Kees-Odak (Veran-Dallas)

Mission: Mission 7 Life is but a Dream
Location: Starbase Mercury/M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


The mission off station ended sooner than imagined as the Runabout French Broad rushed back to the station. For John Dallas it wasn't soon enough

Science would have a lot to do with the return of the probe but with Cal McGregor gone Sureth assumed his old role as head of science.

"LT Ellie Odac to C and D please." Sureth called as there was a computer component to the probe. The data collected would determine the class of the doomed planet and if the inhabitants were capable of saving themselves.

The Prime Directive was in play but Sureth suffered from the little thing called " having a heart". If there was a way to prevent the worm hole from swallowing up a sentient species, no matter how remote a chance Sureth hoped to find it.

“Right here Captain” Ellie smiled as she stepped through the doors, fortunately she hadn’t been far away when Sureth had summoned her. “What have we got?”

" A probe was pulled almost into a black hole. It was launched to gather data on the S2 star. The probe also was enveloped partially by acute Carbon pressed silicate . We will be scanning particles of it too. The retrieval team called it a giant diamond in space." Sureth told Ellie.

“A giant diamond? Now that I’d have liked to have seen.” Ellie smiled. “This is fascinating!”

" Indeed the pressure used to create such a diamond would be astronomical. I want you to work on retrieval of the data. Initial scans showed 6 months until the system was absorbed by the black hole. Then this diamond appeared. Ascertain any additional data. I will analyze the carbon diamond pieces." Sureth ordered.

Ellie nodded. “Yes Sir. I should be able to get a sample of the crystalline from the partial encasement of the probe. It’ll give us some data on its composition. I’m not sure just how much data we’ll successfully get back, but I’ll retrieve as much as I can.”


Sureth analysed the fragments, then conjectured and finally hypothesized what the diamond like thing was.

"Lieutenant Odac report?" Sureth called out.

Ellie had been busy at work for the last hour. “I’ve got around 85% of the logs retrieved Sir, some of the last 15% is corrupted. We might be able to retrieve partial segments though.”

" Those are good odds. I too found some interesting data. From conjecture the Diamond was constructed by an advanced science. "

“Really?” Ellie was intrigued now. “I wonder if we’ll ever get to meet those who made it?

" My sentiments exactly. I am taking a party to S2 and I want you there Lieutenant."

“Me?” She looked completely shocked. “Yes Sir! Thank you Sir!”

" Clear your schedule Lieutenant we're going where No one has gone before, that I am aware." Sureth replied.



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