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Post #11 Dreams do come true.

Posted on Thu Aug 25th, 2022 @ 2:26pm by Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas

Mission: Mission 7 Life is but a Dream
Location: Security Offices

Having heard of Dallas’ sudden return to the station Isabelle couldn’t wait to see him, rushing to the Security Offices she took a deep breath before entering.

“You’re back already!” She practically grinned like the proverbial Cheshire Cat. “May I speak with private?”

As soon as they were alone, she hugged him tightly. “I didn’t think I’d see you for at least another year!” She let go as she looked up at him. “John, this is going to sound crazy but...I'm pregnant! Before you ask, it’s yours.”

" Are you sure? " John smiled. " I do have to leave for the academy but that will give me reason to study hard and get back. Isabella be my fiancee and marry me. Cal is your old love but you want to be with me. I know this as well as you do."

Isabelle nodded. “I want nothing more! I even have my father’s approval to marry you.” She grinned. “I don’t want to wait John, I want to marry you before you leave! There are plenty of small chapels on station where we could be married.”

" Wait aren't you half Betazoid? Do I have to be naked?" John replied.

“Not at all” Isabelle grinned. “I’ll save that for our honeymoon!” She smiled a wry smile. “I know we won’t get much of one now, but we can take a proper honeymoon when you get back from the Academy. Provided I’m not bursting at the seams by then!”

" OH yeah a baby's coming....get over here." John said hugging and kissing Isabella's lips and tummy..

Isabelle returned his kiss, giggling as John kissed her stomach.

" You asked your Dad? I suppose I should do that though." John cringed.

“I guess so” Isabelle nodded. “I want our baby to be born in wedlock, something I think my father will approve of.”

" I will ask Captain Rivers to marry us. He is my CO." John replied.

Isabelle nodded. “I’m happy with that. Speaking of which I’m going to need to sort out a dress!” She grinned like a giddy little schoolgirl.

" You can always come in traditional Betazed marriage attire." John smiled.

“How’s about I go half way” Isabelle grinned. “Something skimpy but not embarrassing for the poor Captain. I have an idea just what to wear.”

" I can't wait. I have to get to a meeting soon, so hold that thought." John replied.

“Ohh I’ll hold that thought, and a few more!” Isabella grinned. “I have a spare few minutes so I can get on with some planning while you go for your meeting.”

" I will rush back and see you later fiancée." John said as he rushed out.

“I’ll be waiting!” Isabelle grinned as she called after him. Her dreams were finally starting to come true.



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