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Post # 12 " Away Team Mtg "

Posted on Tue Aug 30th, 2022 @ 9:26pm by Commodore Sureth & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Commander Nora Ejo & Lieutenant Commander Jessica O‘Neil (Ejo) & Lieutenant JG Ellie Kees-Odak (Veran-Dallas) & Lieutenant Lily Crawford & Lieutenant JG Sayvek

Mission: Mission 7 Life is but a Dream
Location: Starbase Mercury/M-69
Timeline: Concurrent



Calling to all staff that might be interested Captain Sureth waited in the observation room for the staff from USS Bohr and Mercury to assemble for a mission briefing.

Shauna entered the room alongside Ellie, the two chatting as they moved towards the conference table.

“Captain” Shauna nodded respectfully to Sureth.

" Number One it is agreeable to see you. I will be needing you to assume command of this station while Commander Taavis is away." Sureth greeted.

“Of course Sir” Shauna nodded and smiled.

“Sir” Ellie smiled warmly as she took her seat as well.

" Hello again Lieutenant please take a seat near us. This is a scientific mission."

Moving to a closer seat Ellie was feeling nervous, as well as excited by the thought of being on the mission.

The door to the conference room opened and Jessica followed by Nora entered the room. Both greeted the Captain and the rest of the senior staff. Jessica and Nora took a seat at the table.

" Oh good this is also an engineering matter. I should like to begin and the others can join in the discussion. The Runabout French Broad brought back a large chuck of a carbon based diamond. Extrapolated conjecture says the device is a piece of a much larger device that appears to absorb energy. I need theories?" Sureth opened with.

Emily looked towards Sureth “Perhaps someone, or something is trying to cypher off energy for their use? Though doing it that way would be extremely risky.”

" I need volunteers for this mission as it is risky. Since we are short a science chief I will lead this mission. With Commander Taavis off station Warrant Officer John Dallas will head our security slot. Someone from Engineering and medical would be appreciated. Someone or thing constructed a near perfect giant diamond and it somehow is now inside the gravity well of a worm hole." Sureth replied .

Emily sat quietly wondering what they were going to find when they got to the wormhole.

Jessica and Nora were listening to what have been thrown into the room by Elli and the Captain.

"Captain" Nora began "I would like to volunteer, I'm curious about this construction and I would like to find out if we can use this technology to our advantage."

After Nora had spoken Jessica spoke up „ Captain, I would like to stay back on the station if that’s ok with you.“

" As I said this is voluntary. Thank you Nora." Sureth replied

„Always there to be at service and to help were I can, Sir“ Nora replied

" Emily and Nora meet myself.and Warrant Officer Dallas in shuttle bay 1. We will take the Runabout French Broad down to that planet. DISMISSED." Sureth replied.



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