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Post # 13 " Just Off the Boat "

Posted on Wed Aug 31st, 2022 @ 10:02pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Hiri & Lieutenant Shamarra Poole

Mission: Mission 7 Life is but a Dream
Location: Starbase Mercury/M-69
Timeline: Concurrent to hours before the Away Mission


1600 hours

The Paranah vessel quickly docked as it ferried passengers and crew and supplies to the station. Not the least of which was the ships new Chief of Science.

Meeting Shamarra Poole at the docking bay doors stood the Caitian Doctor Hiri.

" Lieutenant you are expected to join a team at 1800 hours. We will fore go the Medical work up. Are you ill or pregnant?" the female Caitian asked.

Shamara was a bit puzzled over the questions right as the shuttle had docked. Shouldering her duffel "No to both questions doctor."

" Captain Sureth asked to have you join an away team leaving at 1800 hours for a Planet near the S2 sector. The Captain will explain the rest." Hiri told the Lieutenant.

"The S2 Sector? That's largely unexplored," Shamarra commented. "How soon does the captain want to see me?"

" I will walk with you to Shuttle bay 1 " Hiri replied.

"That soon" Shamrarra commented as she fell instep with the doctor. it had been a long trip out and she was sure she looked a sight. "The captain what's he like?"

" Dreamy but Vulcan. Ironically playful but very professional. He Captained the USS Bohr starship for many years. A rustic old science ship. He asked to serve on Starbase Mercury rather than retire." replied Hiri.

"Vulcan's often make the best science officers," Shamarra said "I've had the honor of serving under some of the best"


Hiri rode down to the hanger bay with Shamarra but vectored off when Sureth stepped out of the FRENCH BROAD.
" WELCOME Lieutenant. Come aboard and we will speak as we leave."

"Captain," Shamarra said "I apologize for my appearance, it was a long flight out and I've not had the chance to freshen up and change." turning to Hiri "Are you going to be joining us?"

" Yes you arrived in time but I will still head up this away team. Commander Callaghan is in temporary command until I get back. The planet is in the last six months of already losing its atmosphere and form. We detected a carbo shaped diamond heading to the center of the funnel of a black hole. A probe was retrieved but it damaged the diamond slightly. Pieces of it are back in the lab on Mercury. I ordered an away team to go to the planet and discover of life there sent the diamond and for what purpose. Lt Nora Ejo is the USS Bohr Chief Engineer, myself and junior Lieutenant Ellie Kees-Odak , also a scientist, are on this team. Are there any further questions?"

" Welcome aboard Lieutenant Poole."



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