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Post# 14 " The Who"

Posted on Wed Aug 31st, 2022 @ 10:38pm by Commodore Sureth

Mission: Mission 7 Life is but a Dream
Location: PLANET S2.006
Timeline: 6 months ago


S2.006 is a class L world who this morning watched its sun rise like it had many other times and set all the same. For Joush the prevates son that shining ball of gas had always been his favorite thing given the majority of population worshipped the glowing ball of light.

But tonight a blackness filled the void where the sun had normally set and this time now wonderful red hue filled the evening sky.

" What is happening Gaffa?"
" I am not sure Joush. Let us go to the pylons and summon the ancestors." Gaffa replied.

Also part of their faith was an ancient belief that the ancestry became part of their god like people as their essence was absorbed into the transtator .

As old as time itself the transtator was Joush and Gaffas legacy as it was their appointed job to summon the ancestors anytime the sky became dark.

Gaffa entered the sacred pylon and went down to one knee and touched the red crystals then the blue ones and lastly the gold ones.
Lights filled the pylon and Gaffa closed his eye to not see the images.
The ground shook and soon the large disc shot out of the mountain into the night sky.

" It is done Joush. Now we wait for the ancestors to save us." Gaffa said as he exited the pylon.



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