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Post # 15 " Xxx

Posted on Tue Sep 6th, 2022 @ 4:58pm by Commodore Sureth & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Lieutenant Commander Nora Ejo & Lieutenant Shamarra Poole & Lieutenant JG Ellie Kees-Odak (Veran-Dallas)

Mission: Mission 7 Life is but a Dream
Location: PLANET S2
Timeline: Concurrent


Captains Log Stardate: supplemental

Our away team is heading down to the class L WORLD on the verge of destruction. . The team I have assembled will hopefully figure out where the diamond carbon disc came from and why they launched it.

Log concluded...

Ellie was checking her bag, making sure she had what she needed incase they came across anything interesting. She could only imagine what Yova would be thinking, he was probably worrying about her safety given her pregnancy.

Sureth entered along side the newly arriving Chief Science Officer Lt Shamarra Poole. Followed by Warrant Officer John Dallas.

" Sir we are just awaiting for Lt Ejo." Dallas reported.

" Thank you Mr Dallas. "

Ellie smiled as she greeted Sureth and the others. “All ready to go Sir.”

Nora arrived last and entered she had a small engineer kit with her. „Hi, sorry for the delay Captain. I had to grab a small kit just in case.“ Nora apologized. Then she said a silent prayer to her goods to give her guidance.

Shamarra had stowed her duffel as she'd not had the chance to locate her quarters to drop it off. Taking a seat at the science console she crossed her fingers hoping she had full access as technology she was not officially a member of the Mercury yet. Logging Shamarra let out the breath she'd been holding as her log in worked. "Captain science is operational all systems go."

" Course plotted and laid in Captain." Warrant Officer Dallas replied.

The planet had dismal plants and some animals all around its small terrains. Moutains existed but now rumbled and volcanoes reignited as the g forces from the pull begins the planets death.

But beneath the surface the life long caretakers had reacted and only time would tell.

" Captain the auto pilot has found a suitable landing site." Mr Dallas told Sureth.

" Set us down Dallas. The rest of you I want two team's. Ejo and Lt Odak you're a team. Poole you are with Me. Dallas stay with Runabout. " Sureth ordered.

Ellie looked towards Nora offering a nod and a smile. “Aye Captain.” She couldn’t help but wonder exactly what it was they were supposed to be looking for, it was currently a giant mystery. Not that she was opposed to looking for clues to solve it.

Nora offered a nod and smile back to Lt. Odak. "Yes, Sir." confirming her orders.

"I hope we find what we are looking for?" said Nora. .

"As do I," Shamarra said grabbing her tri-coder "I'm ready when you are captain, This planet is unstable, the sooner we find out what we're looking for the better."

" Once Mr Dallas is assured we are safe out there we will move out." Sureth replied.

“Do we have any specifics on what we’re looking for?” Ellie looked at Sureth curiously. “We could walk straight past it, and not know.”

" If our tricorders are tuned to find life here we will know it when we see it Lieutenant." Sureth added.

Shamarra turned to sensors and after a few minutes "Captain I'm not picking up anything other than the readings of the planet's coming demise."

" Scan for any energy readings also." Sureth replied.
Sureth used his visual senses and spied as well. Noticing first the sky and its pure darkness.

The surface where they landed was a clear mound of rocks and no tree's or shrubbery. Unremarkable ores Sureth might say. But the soil was packed tight and did not stir up when he kicked against it.

" Lt Poole we will go left and scan for 5 meters. LT Ejo and Lt Odac take the right and do the same. We will meet back at the runabout in two hours." Sureth ordered.

“Aye Sir!” Ellie nodded to Nora, “Lets go”

"Yes let's go Lt," Nora replied. And started walking alongside Elli and took in the Scenery of the Planet it looked kind of pretty. Then she took out her tricorder and started scanning the area of any repeating Power source underground.

Nora couldn't make heads or tails out of the readings she got from the tricorder.

There was subterranian life here and Joush was one of them as he saw the visitors glide their great flying thing down to the surface. Through Joush eyes great trees covered the landscape as towers to the night sky but to Sureth and the others the planet was dead already.

" Joush these beings must have destroyed the great disc and now come to destroy us. We must warn the others" his grand father warned.

Joush rushed out and quickly ran around the compound and yelled to the other.
" We are invaded. All hands prepare to defend our homes."


The magnetic field of the planet had totally collapsed and soon Sureth realized that when he could no longer reach the runabout.

" Lt Poole we need to retrace our steps back to the runabout."

Shamarra scanned for it, "This way captain, she's a distance away. We'll have to double time to get to her,"

Sureth agreed and began the trek back but as they moved backwards they suddenly were over come by an energy field.
" Halt Lieutenant. We have entered a force field or something"

"Captain it doesn't register yet it's there," Shamarra said scanning again

As they spoke a flying device over took them and discharged an energy bolt onto the two officers and then vanished them from view.

Both were knocked out when the engery bolt overtook them. "Where the hell are we?" Shamarra asked sitting up and rubbing her head. "Captain are you okay?"

Ellie was starting to realize the same thing as she and Nora we’re struggling to get a signal to the runabout as well. “We’re going to have to turn back!”

"I agree Lt." Nora said. "We should back track our tracks quickly return to the Runabout."

An Ora of lights soon found this duo and like the Captain and Poole surround and vanished them like the snap of a finger.



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