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Post# 16 " Holding the Fort "

Posted on Tue Sep 6th, 2022 @ 4:58pm by Lieutenant Bob Covenant & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Jessica O‘Neil (Ejo) & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone & Lieutenant Odac Yova & Lieutenant JG Nic Covenant

Mission: Mission 7 Life is but a Dream
Location: Starbase Mercury/M-69
Timeline: Concurrent


First Officers Log:

Captain Sureth and his party have headed down to Planet S2 in search of information on the crystalline structure that was discovered. I’m holding down the fort here at Mercury, hoping that we get some answers.

End Log.

“Any news Commander?” Isabelle offered a worried glance as she walked across to Shauna.

“Nothing yet I’m afraid Lieutenant. Your father and his team have only just arrived so it could be a while longer yet.”

" The magnetic field in that system will affect our abilities to track them Commander. Engineering is still working on identifying that ore." Lt Bob Covenant added to the conversation.

Lt Odac was new to Mercury but was very excited to be analyzing the carbon pieces. Metalergy had always been a hobby of his.

Jessica noticed new faces in at the mission briefing earlier. She hasn’t introduced herself yet to the new comers and it wasn’t the right time to do so. She see the Lt. Odac was working on something. She walked over to him and that it was a Kind ore.
„Lieutenant do you need any assistance“ she asked.


Doctor Williams made his way to Ops to check on the Away Team and also to stretch his legs at the same time. Ramvek had come to realize that life on the Star Base was much different than that on a Star Ship; it seemed to be a little slower paced affording him the chance to leave Sick Bay once in a while. Walking into Ops he walked up to Isabelle "Counselor any word about the Captain and the rest of the Away Team" he queried having a new respect Sureth since spending time with him on the Klingon and Romulan vessels.

Isabelle offered a shake of her head and a smile as she looked at Ramvek. “I’m afraid not Doctor, there’s a magnetic field out there that’s disrupting tracking. Knowing my father he’ll be taking every possible precaution out there, especially as he's taken Lieutenant Kees-Odak along with him.” She was secretly wondering if Sureth has left her behind simply because of her own pregnancy diagnosis, wanting to protect her from any possible harm.

"I'm quite sure he will. When the Captain and I were thrown into a precarious situation on the Romulan Ship, your Father was all business and made every effort to get us back home safely. I'm confident this will be no different" Ramvek replied sensing the concern in Isabelle's voice.

Isabelle nodded. “I shouldn’t sound so worried about my father, I know he can take care of himself.” She offered Ramvek a warmer smile. “He would expect me to the professional Officer I should be, so in that vein I will stop worrying, or try at least!” She grinned.

Bob chuckled underbreath as he had known Captain Sureth for a while now.

"Now that sounds like a logical course of action and yes the Captain is certainly well able to take care of himself" Ramvek replied then turned to Bob "I don't believe I've had the pleasure.....I'm Doctor Ramvek Williams, Chief Medical Officer and you are?"

" Bob Covenant Operations Chief on the Bohr. I am moon lighting while we are in dry dock. Captain Sureth will be fine I have known him for several years. My boy Nic serves here also."

"It's nice to meet you Lieutenant. My previous assignments have been on Ships" Ramvek replied "Being on a Star Base is something new to me; although I'm getting quite accustomed to being here. I don't believe I've met your Son yet, but I'm sure I will at some point."

As he spoke Nic ran onto the bridge. Bare past being a teen Nic was raw but very smart.
" Dad I found something coming from the planet. Most scans over look these but I found signals all over the planet in the UHF and wifi modes. If we tune in kur subspace antenna I think we can pick up on that signals." Nic told Bob.

“What was that Ensign?” Shauna looked across at Nic. “Ideally you should report your findings to the Senior officer in charge, but I’ll let you off this time.”

" Sorry ma'am its just I haven’t seen these reading since I was a boy. They're gaming signals or look like them . From all over that planet. Look I'll show you. " Nic said switching to the big screen. It was fuzzy but one whole scene was a giant world of holograms and EM animation.

" It is one giant online game." Nic told the Commander.

Shauna frowned. “Exactly what does that mean? Does someone out there think they’re playing a game with the life in the universe?”

" The planet is actually circuling the funnel. But that planet is definately an online type presence." Nic replied.

“How can that be possible?” Shauna was finding it a little hard to believe. “We can see the planet, our away team is there right now! How can it be this online presence, as you put it?”

" The crater mounds are actually high powered wifi transmitters. The beings there are living their life out in a a Virtual Reality scenario not unlike our holo deck." Nic added

" That maybe but that planet is about to be swallowed by a very real black hole." Bob added.

Shauna nodded “Is there anything from the Captain yet? Any sign of them returning?”

" We have lost all signals " Bob replied.

“Dammit!” Shauna sighed, there was little else she could do with the Bohr in dry dock. “What’s the progress on the Bohr? Any chance we can get her out there?”

Bob thumbed through some data and then turned around from his operations console .

"Repairs are at 80 percent Commander. Let me go over and I’ll get her ready to launch for you." Bob added.

Shauna nodded. “Not for me...Lieutenant” She looked towards Ramvek. “I want you to take the Bohr out find Captain Sureth and our people. Lieutenant Veran, you and Lieutenant Covenant will accompany the Doctor. I can’t leave the station without a Senior officer.”

" Captain Rivers is still on leave and Commander the Doctor could hold the station. You are the Bohrs first officer." Bob reminded.

Ramvek was surprised at what he was hearing, but it wasn't the first time he had been thrown into Command "Commander I've had experience at Command on my previous Ships. I agree with Lieutenant Covenant, and with respect, your place is the Bohr; that is if you trust the Base in my keeping" Doctor Williams concluded hoping he hadn't been too outspoken.

Shauna smiled and nodded. “You’re both right, Doctor you hold down the fort. Isabelle, Covenant, you’re with me. Let’s go get our people!”

Isabelle nodded. “Yes Commander.” She offered Ramvek a smile. “See you soon Doctor.”

Bob stood up and was prepared to exit but he then added to the Commander.
" Commander my son Nic has made this discovery we should take him with us too."

Shauna nodded. “Agreed Lieutenant” She looked towards Nic. “Come along Ensign.”

After everyone exited Ops Ramvek tapped his Comm "Ensign Stone this is and Lieutenant Hiri will have to see to Sick Bay for awhile" he instructed "I've been placed in Command of the Base while Lieutenant Commander Callaghan takes the Bohr to go and retrieve the Captain and the Away Team."

"Understood Doctor and Dr. Hiri is right here with me.....we'll take care of things while your tied up" Ensign Stone replied as Hiri nodded in agreement.

"Good, I knew I could count on you both. Hopefully I won't be too long" Ramvek answered as he made his way around Ops introducing himself to anyone who didn't know him and at the same time checking on the current state of things.



At the two hour mark the Bohr was minimally ready to launch as the senior staff took the bridge positions. Lt Bob Covenant and Nic took the roles of OPS and Tactical.

Shauna looked around, it seemed odd to be so low on the usual Bohr crew but they didn’t have time to fully man up and get to the away team. “Report Lieutenant” She looked at Bob. “What’s our current condition?”

" Ship shape Commander. The planet and system are beginning to enter the first wave of the funnel." Bob Covenant replied.

Shauna nodded. “Right let’s get out there! We need to get our people home.”

" Engineering says warp drive is available." Bob replied.

Shauna looked to the officer on helm. “Helm set course, best possible speed”

" Aye aye Commander."



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