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Post 17 " Minds Craft "

Posted on Wed Sep 14th, 2022 @ 4:28pm by Lieutenant Bob Covenant & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant JG Nic Covenant & Ensign 101

Mission: Mission 7 Life is but a Dream
Location: USS Bohr
Timeline: Concurrent to Mission 7 post 1


Streaking at warp 8 the USS Bohr was very close to the S2 system.

" Commander we have reached the outer sector of S2. The planet has moved three times the natural orbital plane. We will have to move quickly." Bob said from Tactical.

Shauna nodded. “Understood.”

Nic Covenant summoned his ops relief and moved to stand in front of the Commander.
" Commander, Ensign 101 is helping me link up to the planetary signal. We are using the ships holodeck to join the away team. We will be able to see what the natives see using the VR components. " Nic told her.

“Unusual, but let’s get in there.” Shauna motioned Nic to lead on.


Ensign 101, the Binar, quickly uploaded the data and signal they had picked up after receiving the information from the probe.

" One o one to Ensign Nic Covenant the link is set up. Subspace antenna is working properly." 101 said into his comms badge.

[ On my way buddy] Nic replied.

Shauna looked at Nic curiously “Will they be able to see and hear us?”

" Even playing ground Commander. " Nic replied.

" I have good news too. We have detected the away teams tricorder signals." Bob Covenant added.

Now they had a chance to save the away team.

Shauna nodded. “Can you contact the away team? Let them know we’re here?”

Nic tried as he moved to tactical.
" I am detecting tricorder readings but no life signs."

Shauna frowned. “I take it the tricorder readings are active?” She looked at Isabelle. “Counsellor, are you sensing anything?”

Isabelle frowned. “These circumstances are pretty unique Commander, we’re talking sensing across barriers of sorts. I’m not sure how to cross that barrier.”

Her belly tingled as her words could be heard from the womb giving Isabella an ability to slightly feel Sureth’s consciousness.

“I don’t know how, but I can feel my father” Isabelle looked at Shauna. “At least we know he’s alive, which means the others are as well.”


Nic Covenant entered the holodeck and made the link. Also joining him was the Bynar officer 101.

" We are in range and I made a link with the online program. Do you wish to customize your presence?" asked 101.

" Hell yeah I do." Nic said as he began creating his profile.


Shauna stood waiting to know what progress was being made. “How’s it coming down there Ensign?”

" Making Contact now Commander. I found them and calling Lt Ejo now." Nic replied.

“Understood Ensign. Let the Captain know his daughter is here eagerly awaiting his return.” She offered Isabelle a smile.

" Yes ma'am. " Nic replied.

Isabelle couldn’t help but be worried about her fiancé John, he was aboard the shuttle with the others. “Commander..” she looked at Shauna. “Is Lieutenant Dallas with them? What happened to the shuttle?”

“Good questions Lieutenant” Shauna offered an understanding smile. “We’ll find out.”



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