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Post #18 "In Command"

Posted on Thu Sep 15th, 2022 @ 1:21pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone

Mission: Mission 7 Life is but a Dream
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Current


{Deck 1 - Ops}

The Doctor was eagerly awaiting any contact from the Bohr concerning the Captain and the Away Team. Rising from the big chair Ramvek walked around Ops checking to see that everything was as it should be.

Walking up to the operations Officer "Lieutenant any word from the Bohr yet" he queried.

"Not yet Doctor, we're still waiting to hear from them" the Lieutenant replied "Don't worry Sir I'm sure we'll hear something soon. Lieutenant Commander Callaghan is good about reporting in when she's off Base."

Ramvek let out a sigh "That's good to know thank you, but I still can't help but worry about our current situation" he replied and would be relieved when everybody was back on Base safe and sound as he thought "I guess I'm more into this Command thing that I thought" as he made one last walk around before returning to his seat.

A few more hours rolled on by when his relief walked into Ops "Doctor I'm here to relief you any word on the Bohr yet" the Lieutenant asked.

"No not yet and everything else seems to be going as one would expect" Ramvek explained "Let me know when you hear from the Ship regardless of the time."

"Certainly Doctor" then he leaned in closer to Ramvek "If you don't mind my saying so Lieutenant you look like you could use a good meal and a drink or two" the Lieutenant replied with a smile.

"Yes that does sound like a good course of action" he answered "But first I need to swing by Sick Bay just to check on things" as he turned and entered the Lift "Deck 41" he ordered.

{Sick Bay}

The Doctor walked into the large room when he heard a familiar voice "Doctor how are you doing" Nurse Stone asked.

"Good Ensign and how are things going down here" Ramvek queried with a smile.

"The usual scapes, strains, and such" she replied "You look tired Doctor, being in Command isn't all it's cracked up to be is it" as she grinned.

Ramvek grinned "No it's not but under the circumstances it was the logical choice for me to be in Command to free up Callaghan" he explained "Looks like everything is under control here so I guess I'll go home and relax."

Heidi smiled and as Ramvek turned to leave when she blurted out "Would you like some company while you relax" she asked not quite believing what she had just said....but it was too late now.

Ramvek stopped in his tracks and turned "If you wish....that would be nice not to be alone" he replied being rather surprised.

Heidi smiled "How about if I stop by your quarters in about an hour; that way you can relax and I want to get out of this uniform" she explained.

"That sounds good, I want to get out of this uniform myself" he replied "I'll see you in an hour" as Ramvek turned and left to go home still wondering what the Ensign was really up to....well time would tell.



Lieutenant Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury

Ensign Heidi Stone
Head Nurse
Star Base Mercury


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