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Post # 19 " Beyond a Fortnite "

Posted on Thu Sep 15th, 2022 @ 2:22pm by Commodore Sureth & 2nd Lieutenant John Dallas & Lieutenant Commander Nora Ejo & Lieutenant Shamarra Poole & Lieutenant JG Ellie Kees-Odak (Veran-Dallas)

Mission: Mission 7 Life is but a Dream
Location: PLANET S2.006
Timeline: Two days after Mission 7 Post 15


In the beginning darkness was on the face of the deep but Sureth could feel Poole, Ejo and Odak near him subconsciously.

" Call out if you are here." Sureth yelled through the darkness.

"I'm here captain," Shamarra called out. "Are you okay?"

Nora woke up. “I’m over here, Captain“ she replied when hearing the Captain yelling. She felt a bit dizzy.

Ellie awoke feeling very light headed. “I...I’m here Captain!”

" I am but when I entered the field I became dizzy and blind. Do any of you have a visual of our surroundings?" Sureth asked.

Sitting up slowly, Ellie took a few moments to get her bearings. “We’re not where we were Captain, I don’t recognize this place!”

"There is nothing to recognize, it's pitch black in here. My tri-coder isn't reading this either." Shamarra said.

The tricorder had stopped working outside the field but inside they began working again. Despite the darkness the tricorders somehow had recharged.

"Let me see if I can get my tri-coder to give off some light so we can get a reading on where we are," Shamarra said as she set to work on it. After several minutes she'd managed to get it to register more light, getting to her feet Poole scanned the area "The range is still limited as far as light, I'm reading what appears to be walls around us. I'm not seeing any openings anywhere. We seemed to be locked in some kind of vault."

Sureth tweaked his tricorder and made a similar discovery.
" Excellent job Lieutenant you have turned our tricorders into sonar. Let us proceed with caution."

Ellie sighed. Right now she was worrying more about how Yova would be feeling than her own safety. Though if he was right, and one of her twins was to be the next emissary she should be comparatively safe. The prophets wouldn’t allow any harm to come to one of their own, at least she was hoping not.

Shamarra looked over at Ellie as she'd heard her sigh "Lieutenant are you okay? You seem distracted like your mind is elsewhere. I need you to focus on the situation at hand."

Ellie shot Shamarra a look. “Don’t worry Lieutenant, I’m focused. I’ve got way too much to lose.”

Shamarra nodded "I didn't mean to offend, it just seemed you were a million miles away is all."

“No offence intended, or taken Lieutenant” Ellie offered a smile. “You’re right, I was miles away. Thinking about my husband was all.”

" Let us focus here Lieutenants . " Sureth added.

“Of course Captain” Ellie nodded. “Sorry Sir.”
With tricorder usage they were able to plot a range of being inside a large room.

Shamarra had scanned every inch of the room/vault the were locked in "Captain I do see a weakness, there appears to be a seam where this room/vault was put together. A narrow phaser beam should be able to cut the seam and open it up. But I cannot scan beyond this room so I don't know what to expect out there. It could be open space, it could be the planet or we could be on a ship."

" We do not know how our phasers work in this environment. I need more data." Sureth replied.

But as he spoke Lt Ejos tricorder seemed to come to life as a voice addressed her.

[ Chief Ejo this is Ensign Nic Covenant. I was able to tap into your signal as it is the strongest. We have found a way to communicate with the beings here. Are you or anyone there injured.] Nic's voice asked.

"This is Lieutenant Poole, I don't believe anyone is injured but Lieutenant Kees is here and she's pregnant. I'm concerned for her and the child she carries."

"Thank you Lt. Poole" Nora said. "Ens. Covenant would you be able to get a transporter lock onto my tricorder, if amplify it further? " Nora asked.

[ Lieutenant we have discovered these beings use a virtual presence technology. We are able to beam you back to the holodeck and have attached a link to their world where we think you will be able to see things as they do. Commander Callaghan brought us here once we lost your signal.] Nic replied.

Ellie offered Nora a polite smile. “Don’t worry about me Lieutenant, we’re fine. We just need to find a way out of here.”

[ Please inform the Captain his daughter awaits his return.] Nic added.

" I will inform the Captain, “ Nora said. But Nora knew that the Captain was listening.

" You seem to have the ball Chief Ejo. Is the Ensigns plan of merit from an engineering perspective?" Sureth asked.

Nora nodded and started speaking "I'm pretty sure that the plan can work when my tricorder is amplified, Sir". While she spoke she worked on her tricorder and amplified her device.

"Here Captain, now we can try," Nora said.

Sureth then added, " On Lieutenant Ejos mark energize."

"Ens. Covenant, please go ahead and beam us out." Nora said.

Back on the bridge Shauna smiled. “Inform Lieutenant Ramvek, that we’ve located our people.”



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