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Post # 20 "After Hours"

Posted on Thu Sep 15th, 2022 @ 10:46pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone

Mission: Mission 7 Life is but a Dream
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Concurrent


{Deck 41 - Ramvek's Quarters}

When he arrived back home he headed straight for the shower to get rid of the day's stresses. Afterwards he decided to be comfortable and threw on a pair of sweatpants and a loose fitting top.

Ramvek walked out into the living area and poured himself a nice Bourbon and sat on the couch to relax and wait for Heidi to arrive; although he didn't have any idea why the sudden interest concerning himself.

Shortly the door chime went off as he walked to the door to let his guest in "Heidi please come in and make yourself comfortable" he said then stepped back to let her in.

Heidi walked in and looked around "Nice place, although I would have thought that the Chief would have larger quarters" she stated with a smile.

"Well I suppose I could have asked for Senior Officers quarters but I wanted to be close to Sick Bay and besides these are big enough for my needs being alone and all" he explained "Would you like a drink before we eat?"

"Yes that would be nice.....I'll have a glass of wine...whatever you have is fine" she replied as she sat on the couch.

Soon Ramvek brought her a glass of wine and noticed she was sitting on the couch so Ramvek decided to sit in the chair near the couch; no sense of making things awkward.

Heidi sipped her wine "This is really good, what kind is it" she asked rather enjoying herself at the moment.

"It's a Chateau Picard wine and I'm glad you like it" he replied "So what would you like to eat....I can make you almost anything you'd like."

"I'd like a dinner salad with a breadstick and balsamic dressing" Heidi answered with a smile.

"Certainly" he replied then went to the replicator "Computer two dinner salads with two breadsticks and balsamic dressing on the side" came the order and moments later he walked back out into the living area as he handed Heidi her dinner and he went to sit in the chair again.

"Just as he sat down "You know Doctor you don't have to sit over there....I don't bite....well at least not hard" she commented with a grin.

So Ramvek got up and sat by Heidi "Better" he asked "I didn't want to make things awkward for either one of us."

"Well your not making things awkward for me....unless you have a problem sitting next to me" she commented then giggled.

"No not at all, I just wanted you to be comfortable without feeling....well awkward" Ramvek stated with a smile. Just then his Terminal Comm went off "Excuse me, I should get this" he said as he went to his Terminal and accessed it "Doctor this is Ops we just received word that the Bohr have located the away team and are extracting them as we speak."

"That's great news, thank you for letting me know. Williams out."

Ramvek returned to the couch "I guess you heard about the Away Team" he said as he sat next to Heidi.

" it looks like your time at Command will be coming to an end soon" she commented then returned to her meal.

"Looks that way which I'm fine with, but at least I've proven that I can assume command in a pinch if need be" Ramvek replied. The two sat talking as they finished their meals; mostly about work and the Base.

After the meal was finished Ramvek disposed of the leftovers and dishes then asked "Would you like another drink Heidi."

"Yes I could go for another glass of wine" Heidi replied with a smile.

Ramvek soon returned with another drink for each of them as he sat on the couch "If you don't mind my asking.....what prompted you to offer to keep me company this evening; not that I mind....I rather enjoy your company" he asked hoping he wasn't overstepping any boundaries.

"I guess I thought it would be nice to get to know you better outside of the Sick a more relaxed setting. Besides other than hanging out with a couple of the other nurses from time to time, I'm mostly alone when I'm off duty" Heidi explained with a smile.

That brought a smile to Ramvek's face "Tell you what....anytime you want to, as you put it, hangout I would be fine with it" he stated then continued "And it doesn't always have to be here, we could go out to eat or go to a Club or shopping or what ever else you may like to do."

"I would really like that....but of course as friends and we go 'dutch treat'" Heidi replied with a smile "I should probably be going and let you get some rest. Maybe I'll see you in Sick Bay tomorrow?" as she stood.

Ramvek stood as well "I'll swing by medical in the morning on my way to Ops, then I'll be back full time as soon as those in command return" he replied as he walked Heidi to the door.

"Thank you for a nice relaxing evening, I really enjoyed getting to know you better" she stated with a grin.

"And I you....and I really enjoyed the company as well" he replied as Heidi smiled and walked out the door to return to her own quarters.

The Doctor grabbed another Bourbon and sat on the couch thinking "That was really nice having some company for a change" as he took another sip "I could get used too spending some time with Heidi once in awhile."


Lieutenant Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury

Ensign Heidi Stone
Head Nurse
Star Base Mercury


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