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Post# 21 " Homeward Bound "

Posted on Thu Sep 22nd, 2022 @ 9:38pm by Commodore Sureth & Captain Shauna Callaghan & Lieutenant Commander Nora Ejo & Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant Shamarra Poole & Lieutenant JG Nic Covenant & Ensign 101

Mission: Mission 7 Life is but a Dream
Location: USS Bohr
Timeline: Concurrent to Mission 7 post 16



Inside this room Ensign 101 and Nic Covenant had wonderfully linked the Bohrs computer to the web page of Planet S2.006.

" Holycrap we did it. This must be some kind of waiting area. I created all if us portfolio characters. Captain you will want to be the leader I assume?" Nic said.

" Ultimately. What have you learned of this situation Ensign Covenant?"

" Sir this is the beginning level. We have to be invited to go through these doors. This area is called the lobby." Nic replied.

" Lt Poole what do you make of this Artificial Intelligence? It reminds me of 21th century earths fixation with computer gaming.

"I'm not familiar with Earth's fixation with computer gaming. As far as Artificial Intelligence goes this does warrant some further study," Shamarra commented

Sureth then turned to the others in the room seeing first Commander Callaghan . Nodding to Number One Sureth then stepped back to speak to her

Shauna stood watching with interest, this was the first time she’d ever been involved in virtual reality communication with another species.

“This is completely fascinating Captain.” She smiled. “Though I think we should involve Doctor Ramvek at this point.”

Sureth then looked to Ens Nic Covenant.

" Ask Doctor Ramvek Williams to join us using the new Virtual AI program. Doctor Hiri knows how to use it." Sureth told him eluding to the new medical emh program the Mercury was using. Instead of a Zimmerman model this one could take on the form of anyone wearing the emitter.

Ensign 101 heard the request and then summoned for the EMH to come on line, awaiting for Dr Williams to assume that role. Nic also messaged the station to let them know to have Dr Williams fitted forbthe mobile emit6er.

Doctor Williams had been summoned to the Holo Deck and was fitted with the mobile emitter with Hiri giving him instructions how to use it and navigate once inside the virtual world.

Joash was astounded as the newbies entered the waiting area. Nobody had entered there in a long time. Extending to them a grant to enter all of the virtual doors opened.

" It seems we have been recognized. I will enter first," Sureth said but paused when a cloud of pixels hovered beside him.

" That is a catalogue Captain. There is a sword, a book or a map you can choose." Nic told him.
Sureth picked up the book.

" That makes you the wizard, sir." Nic smiled but corrected his enthusiastic tone.

Shauna joined next, choosing the map. “So what does this make me Ensign?”

" I think this makes you the tracker Lieutenant. The sword must be for the cavalier. Oh Cool this is sort of like Dungeons and Dragons . " Nic replied. Other icons appeared by the others wearing the visors a tool kit and a bow and arrow and also a cloak.

"Dungeons and Dragons? What is that?" Shamarra asked.

" That is real old school board gaming. Involved an imagination. Lt Ejo I bet the tool kit is yours." Nic replied.

„I believe so Ensign“ Nora replied.

A figure appeared in the circular court and looked around at the new arrivals. The being appeared to be a humanoid like creature.
" Why did you destroy our great disc?"

Sureths emoji character look perplexed as he considered the question. Perhaps this person was speaking of the carbon diamond that had been struck by the probe.

Doctor Williams entered the circular court using the form of the Base's EMH; although this was the first time he had taken the form of Dr. Gram, so appearing as a women seemed a little strange to him but he was sure he could pull this off.

Williams, who now looked like the EMH, walked over to Sureth and whispered "This is certainly different; how can I be of assistance" Ramvek queried.

Nic giggled but Ensign 101 adjusted the program and then Dr William's true image appeared.

" Doctor how could these beings live inside a cyber world? Or is all of this an illusion?" Sureth asked.

Ramvek noticed his arms then he touched his chest "Much better" he thought to himself. "Captain this has to be an illusion, the human biological body would never withstand having the required tech inserted into it that this would need" he answered.

Following Williams reply the entire ship shuddered as the gravity well increased its pull on the planet and ship.

" What are you doing to us?" yelled the native.

" We need to speak to your leader?" Sureth asked.

" Look goon we are in the middle of a race we don't have time to stop. The disc is the only thing that will save us."

Shauna stepped forward “What is it the disc will do to save your planet?”

" Hoya hii you are a goomie. The disc will recharge the servers ...where are you from ? Proric?" the voice asked and joked.

Ironically Ensign 101 made a connection and proceeded on its duties. " Captain I believe the servers are what keeps this program running. The disc must be a solar collector. With the sun no longer active their power systems are depleting."

" I respect that but the base problem is that this planet is close to annihilation. Are we dealing with live beings or something else?" Sureth then replied.

" Captain the Bohr has enough internal computer space to upload this program. It will use all of the Bohrs computer and holodeck memory to do so but it is an option." Ensign 101 added.

Sureth raised an eyebrow. " I need feed back from Science and Engineering on this. We only get one shot. " Sureth then said. Looking to Poole first he then looked to junior Lieutenant Ellie Kees-Odak.

Shamarra looked over the readings carefully before responding "If it's possible it needs to be done now captain. The draw into the black hole is too great."

Ellie gave a shrug of her shoulders. “I have to agree Sir, there’s just too little to go on in the time we have.”
" Very well begin the upload Ensign 101." Sureth replied.
The ligjta and systems dimmed as the raw alien data began to be uploaded.

" Captain the system has made the upload. The Bohrs computer memory is to full occupancy. " Ensign 101 reported
" Warp 5 to home then. We will analyze it there." Sureth replied.

Sluggishly the old Bohr turned and shot away toward the station.
" Computer save and lock this program and send Ensign 101 the reactivation codes."

Sureth then turned to Dr Williams EMH.
" I will need your analysis on the station Doctor. To the bridge. Let’s get out of this black hole."

"As you wish Captain; once we return to the base I'll have the analysis for you" William's EMH replied.


Breaking orbit the Bohr slowly followed its train in . Nobody sitting in the center seat as it was a skeleton crew Lt Bob Covenant sat at ops and manned stuff automatically.

Sureth joined the lift with Lt Poole and Lt Commander Callaghan. Silent at first he then stated.
" Lt Poole is our station science officer chief. Thank you for coming after us. Has anyone heard from the runabout or Mr Dallas?"

Shauna shook her head. “Nothing yet from Dallas Sir. I just hope we find him soon. I know Lieutenant Veran is worrying about him.”

The lift stopped and exited them on the bridge.
" Captain on the bridge." Bob Covenant shouted as UT had been a while.
" As you were. Status report?" Sureth replied..
" Sir we are at 3/4 sunlight speed. Warp drive with in the hour. " said Bob.
" Have sensors scan for the runabout. Warrant Officer Dallas was not with us." Sureth replied.
" Will do sir."
Sureth turned to Poole and then said.
" Report to sickbay then quarters. You probably need some rest."

"Quarters would be nice captain, but I'm not officially aboard yet. I went right from the shuttle I arrived on right to the runabout, so I'm not even sure where my quarters are as of yet," Shamarra responded.

" Quarter Master to the Captain's Ready room. I need billoting for the trip back home." Sureth said tapping his com badge.

Sureth then walked over and sat down in his old command chair. Feeling the old cushion felt like an old pair of shoes.

He had come home.



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