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Post # 22 "Revelation"

Posted on Mon Sep 26th, 2022 @ 1:41am by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Ensign 101

Mission: Mission 7 Life is but a Dream
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Current


{Deck 31 - Dining Hall 2}

Doctor Williams had quite the experience operating in a virtual world and right now he needed something to eat. Walking into Dining Hall 2 Ramvek ordered a hot meal and went to sit and enjoy his food. While he was eating he was wondering how he was going to analyze the place that he had just experienced. Then he had a thought.

Tapping his Comm "Ensign 101 this is the Doctor; would it be possible for you and I to go over the game together since your the Computer Specialist" he queried.

"That would be my pleasure Doctor, please meet me in Holo Deck 5 on Deck 31 in ten minutes....If that's agreeable to you" the Ensign replied.

"Yes that would be fine since I'm already on Deck 31 anyway....I'll see you shortly" Williams out." This would give Ramvek time to finish his meal before leaving.

{Holo Deck 5}

Ramvek walked into the Holo Deck and noticed Ensign 101 already there "Hello Ensign" the Doctor said "Are we ready to get started?"

"Greetings Doctor Williams, and yes I'm ready when you are" the Ensign replied.

"Good, let's get started then" he commented. The Ensign started up the program and Ramvek stood watching this virtual world unfold before his eyes. After about an hour of studying the program there was something that just didn't add up. The players seemed too well integrated into this world for them to be sitting in a chair someplace and just playing a game.

After some more time the Doctor was convinced there was something strange at play here. Taking out his Tri Corder Ramvek began to scan the game. The players seemed to register, at least partially, as biologicals as well as computer simulations. Taking a mountain of scans the Doctor came to only one conclusion.

Logically speaking if one rules out the probable data then whatever remains, no matter how improbable it may be, must be the truth. So it goes with this game. Somehow these players were literally in the game and not just sitting in a chair some where playing. How they were able to achieve such a feat was a mystery. However the fact that they were actually in the game meant that if the planet was destroyed these people would continue to exist in this virtual world as long as the program remained in tact.

It took the Doctor several minutes to wrap his head around this concept as he checked and rechecked the data that he had acquired.
Being satisfied with his findings he turned to the Ensign "Thank you for your assistance with this program. I need to notify the Captain of my findings' he stated then continued "Whatever you do, don't erase or corrupt this program....I believe there are actual people living within it's construct and I need to send the Captain a report." he stated.

"I understand Doctor and I will shut down the game here and allow it to play out in the Base's Computer until I hear otherwise" Ensign 101 replied.

"Perfect, thank you. Now I need to send a report to the Captain as soon as possible" Ramvek commented before turning and make his way to Sick Bay.

{Deck 41 - Medical Office}

The Doctor walked into his office to write a report for Command on what he had discovered. He sat at the Terminal and wrote as follows:


To: Captain Sureth
Commander Taavis

Subject: Analysis

Priority: High

During my analysis of the game to ascertain any information about their Station I discovered something that was a bit of a revelation. After multiple scans I discovered that somehow the people in the simulation were actually in the simulation. The scans indicated each person had both biological traits as well as computer code traits. How they achieved this is still a mystery which we may never solve. Even though the Planet may be of risk of destruction as long as the simulation is running in our Computers then the people in the simulation are safe.

Lieutenant Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury


After reading over the report to Command Ramvek was satisfied with what he had written and pressed send. Now hopefully these people would be safe.



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