#3 Back from prisoner transfer
Posted on Tue Oct 4th, 2022 @ 9:25pm by Taavis {UFP Intel Agent} {Meji} & Commander Kehlani
Character Development
Location: runabout
Timeline: current
Commander Taavis sat casually in the co-pilot's seat aboard the runabout USS Rhine, cradling a thermomug of hot tea in her hands and allowing the steam time to subsist before beginning to drink. The cockpit lights were doused, the only light coming from the white kaleidoscope tunnel outside and the streaking stars in between. The panels also provided plenty of illumination for her Vulcanoid eyes and, she knew her companion had better night vision than most due to her Klingon blood. Kehlani and herself had personally transported the prisoner to a Federation prison facility after their trial. Neither she nor Lieutenant Kehlani walked away until the prisoner was in their cell before their eyes and the security measures enacted. Then, and only then, did both feel that they had done all they could do and returned home on one of the Merc's runabouts.
"How long, Kay?"
Kehlani had been leaning back in her seat, head back with eyes closed and hands flat on the rests as she meditated. When spoken to it took a moment but the Klingon sat up without rapid eye blinking and looked to her pilot's panel. "About twenty minutes to outer markers. Then, another twenty to home. You bail once we land, I'll shut down, Commander."
"You're a credit to your people Kehlani. Some day you need to tell me what really happened when you saved the UFP President." Taavis gave the woman a nod.
"When it is de-classified, I will. But, like the Babel conference, don't count on it." Kehlani gave a crooked grin. "Let's just say that people just don't know how close we came to a full scale, galaxy wide war. ALL parties involved. And, I do mean ALL." Her grin had faded as she spoke, her eyes showing that fiery warrior spirit of hers. Sto-vo-kor awaits, she thought.
They continued talking as they got a bay and landed, with Taavis exiting the ship the moment it was safe to do so. "Computer," she said as she stepped out into a corridor and continued on her way to her own quarters. "Commander Taavis, aboard and returning to duty. I will begin my OPS duty on the morning Alpha shift. Any and all paperwork you can funnel to my mail. Thank you,
Commander Taavis
"End message and edit accordingly. Send it out on the reader boards and command PADDs when finished." She didn't speak to the computer and within a few moments it responded and told her it had been sent out. Arriving at her door and stepping inside Taavis immediately began to disrobe. A hot bath was in order.