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Post Number 2 My Boyfriend's Back

Posted on Tue Oct 4th, 2022 @ 3:37pm by Kitten Dawson

Mission: Character Development
Location: Cats and Kitten's Quarters
Timeline: Current


This post is not meant to slam or pick on the Brol but simply my character’s reaction to seeing trees that can walk and talk as she’d never seen them before and they did startle her.


Kitten closed the Cats, put the chairs upside down on the tables, set the robitic mop to clean the entire restaurant. Shutting off the lights except for the ones that security needed as they did rounds. Walking from the restaurant she closed set the forcefield and headed home. When she got there and walked in her quarters smelled amazing, seeing a leather jacket over one of the chairs Kitten smiled that meant her boyfriend was here finally. Walking into the kitchen she found him cooking “Am I glad to see you, but you should have come to the Cats.”

Digger turned from the stove and gave her a quick kiss before finishing supper. Setting the food on the table “What and spoil the surprise?” he asked holding the chair for her as he poured two glasses of wine before he took his seat across from her and lit the single candle “I hope you still like Pheasant Under Glass.”

“You know I do,” Kitten said taking a bite savoring every mouthful “When did you get here?”

“About six hours ago,” Digger said “How’s business?”

“Not that good, but I’ve only been open a few days. I did have one comment about the fact that I prefer to use real meats and not replicated meat and was told I must be rich,” Kitten replied taking a sip of her wine.

“And I am sure this person does not know how much meat you have stored and how much on the hoof in status for meat either. Don’t let it get to you. You thought this through well before you made the move and decision to open the restaurant up,” Digger assured her “So how have things been?”

“OMG you should have been there today, I saw something that I’d never seen before and it creeped me out so badly that I didn’t know what to say. I had two trees walk in and they were not only walking but they could talk. The one I assume to be male said he was a Brol? Whatever that is and the other one must have been his wife as he called it Raven,” Kitten said

“Have you been drinking? We both know trees don’t talk let alone walk,” Digger said giving her a funny look.

“No I’ve not been drinking and yes those two trees could walk and talk, the one even asked me what I was doing here,”Kitten said grabbing a PADD, logged it up and activated the Cats security footage and handed to Digger so he could see that she wasn’t making it up.

Digger took the PADD and watched, when he saw the two trees walk in he did a double take and rewound it and watched it again before handing it back to her "Kitten I'm sorry that would creep me out too. But this Starfleet so I guess anything goes. But Trees that can walk and talk? That is a first."

"I know, right?" Kitten asked as they finished supper. Together they cleaned the kitchen

"Let's go explore the base as I just got here and I'm sure you haven't seen much. Besides there is something I bought for you and I want to go get it and you have to come too," Digger said donning is leather jacket that read Cats on the back of it.

"What did you get me?" Kitten asked taking his hand as they walked from their quarters

"You'll see," Digger said




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