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Post # 1 "New Face"

Posted on Mon Oct 3rd, 2022 @ 7:22pm by Lieutenant Commander Ramvek Williams M.D. & Lieutenant JG Heidi Stone

Mission: Character Development
Location: Star Base Mercury
Timeline: Current


{Deck 41 - Sick Bay}

Doctor Williams had accepted a challenge from Sureth to mentor a seventeen year old from Savai who wanted to enroll at the Star Fleet Academy to become what his people referred to as a 'healer'. Weather or not this lad wanted to become a full fledged Doctor, only time would tell.

Ramvek was milling around Sick Bay waiting for the young man to arrive wondering if he would be on time or not which would speak volumes if he was really serious about this or not. To his surprise the lad walked in at exactly zero nine hundred.

Williams walked up to the lad with a smile "Good morning, I'm Doctor Williams Chief Medical Officer, you must be the young man from Savai" he greeted "So what do people call you."

"It's very nice to meet you Doctor Williams....I am Labno brother of Kodos.....I'm very excited to be here" he commented with a smile.

"That's nice to hear....let me show you around Sick Bay before we adjourn to my Office" Ramvek replied as he showed him the layout and the function of some of the more obvious equipment...but not so much as to overwhelm him. Ramvek also introduced him to the rest of the Staff who were on duty currently.

After the tour they went into the medical Office "Please have a seat there are some things I wish to discuss with you" the Doctor commented "First and foremost to attend the Academy you must be disciplined....another words you have to put your studies above all else.....girls, parties, and so on. So what kind of 'healer' do you want to become....a Nurse, a Medic, or a full fledged Doctor like myself."

Labno looked at Ramvek for a few moments "I'm not quite sure, all I know is I want to be able to heal people" he responded looking a little confused at the moment.

Ramvek grinned "It's not unusual for someone just starting out not to know exactly what type of medical person they want to be...and that's ok" he replied as he turned and grabbed a book off the shelf "Here I want you to take this and read it over the next couple of days on your off duty time. It's Johnson's Guide to Medical Personal....this outlines the different types of medical people there are and how many years of learning is involved. This may help you figure out what you might want to study at the Academy."

"Thank you Doctor Williams I'll be sure to read this through" Labno replied looking how thick this book really was.

"Good. Now you'll be on regular shift rotations, but for only six hour shifts, and will be assigned to one of the medical people. I'll be giving you assignments to do on your off duty hours, like reading that book, to try and get you ready for the Academy.....that's where the discipline part comes in.....will you be able to work a shift then go home and study for a few hours a night by yourself" he concluded.

By this time Labno's eyes were wide open trying to comprehend everything that the Doctor had thrown at him "I'll do my best not to disappoint you Sir" he replied hoping he would be able to cope with everything.

"All I ask is that you do your best and please do not be afraid to ask questions....that's how you learn" Williams replied "Do you have any questions."

Labno thought for a few moments "I don't think so, al least not yet" he responded.

Ramvek looked up and motioned for one of the male Nurses to come into his Office "Labno this is Nurse Johnson, you'll be with him for the next five hours....Nurse let's get him a few sets of Medical Whites and see if you can find him quarters on one of the mid 30 decks" the Doctor instructed "And show him where the dining halls are located as well."

The Nurse nodded then look at Labno "Ok sport you're with me" Johnson stated. "I'll see you tomorrow Doctor" Labno said.

"Yes and I'll have your schedule for you by then" Ramvek replied with a smile "Have fun with the book" as the lad walked off with the Nurse.

Williams walked back out into Sick Bay proper and found Heidi "Nurse Stone could you write a schedule for our young guest Labno. Give him six hour shifts to start and please have him with some of your better Nurses if you would" he instructed.

"As you wish Doctor I'll have it done before I leave today" Heidi promised with a smile.

"Very good. I'm hoping this young man is as serious about becoming a healer as he portrays. It's been awhile since I had to get someone ready for the Academy" Ramvek stated.

"If anyone can get him ready then it's you Doctor" she replied with a grin.



Lieutenant Ramvek Williams, M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Star Base Mercury

Ensign Heidi Stone
Head Nurse
Star Base Mercury


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