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Post 27 " Captain's Discretion "

Posted on Sat Oct 1st, 2022 @ 12:23pm by Commodore Sureth

Mission: Mission 7 Life is but a Dream
Location: " A New Hope "
Timeline: Concurrent



Major Mattox received his summons and quickly boarded the skiff to the mountain city. When ever Kidos called it was usually important and with it being also a call from Fesra something big was up.

" Mattox to Captain Savai can you join me for a meeting on Savai?"

[ Affirmative.]

A few minutes later the Captain beamed down and joined the gather group.

" Captain Sureth rhank you for joining us. May I offer you refreshments?" Kodos asked.
" Nothing for me. What is the premise if this meeting?" Sureth asked.
" As we work out the precepts of joining the Federation we believe joining Star Fleet would help bridge the gap of our world and the Federation. To that end Fesra and I believe having two of our citizens join your Star Fleet." Kodos replied.

" Intriguing but which citizens?" Sureth replied.

Fesra then answered " My daughter and Kodos brother."
" Willing participants?" Mattox added.
" Yes. The Fur lead the way." Fesra bragged..

Sureth considered the request.
" Bring the participants to the station. I will evaluate them there and determine if I will sponsor their enlistment to Star Fleet Academy."

" Why the wait? Surely the request of sovereign dignitaries also carries weight? " Kodos replied.

" Without discipline Star Fleet will do them no good." Mattox added.



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