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Post # 26 Family time

Posted on Fri Sep 30th, 2022 @ 1:12pm by Commodore Sureth & Lieutenant Isabelle Veran-Dallas

Mission: Mission 7 Life is but a Dream
Location: Captain’s quarters
Timeline: Concurrent



The Runabout speedily paced behind the warp of the Bohr but clearly missed their jump. The pilot, being a sound pilot of such craft quickly enabled the auto-pilot and sat back in the console chair and watched as the stars became streaks of lights like the icicle lights on his grand ma's Christmas tree.


Isabelle was glad to be serving alongside her father, years apart when she was growing up had left big gaps in her Vulcan upbringing, which was something she was trying to make up for now. Having broken up with Cal, and fallen in love with John Dallas, she wanted to prove to Sureth that she was serious about Dallas. Their marriage would be soon, before Dallas was due to head off station again for a little while.

Making her way to Sureth’s quarters for dinner, she pushed Connor along in his pushchair, and she carried with her a PADD filled with family photographs from over the years, as provided by her mother. Deanna had missed Sureth, but duty and distance had kept them apart. Isabelle hoped Sureth would tell her more about how he and her mother came to meet. Pressing his door chime she waited for an invite to enter.

" Come in Isabella. I knew you were there as your new perfume preceeded you." Sureth said rising from his seat and meeting her for the hug. " To what do I owe this visit?"

Isabelle smiled as she returned her father’s hug. “Actually I was hoping we could have dinner together? I have so many questions to ask you, Ohh...and I brought this along.” She held up the PADD. “It’s full of photographs from when I was growing up.” She looked into the pushchair, checking on Connor making sure he was still asleep.

" Indeed a pleasant surprise. We have been very busy with the Avatar. When you get time I want a counselors perspective on that species before I submit my report to Star Fleet." Sureth replied. " As for dinner yes of course."

“Wonderful” Isabelle smiled. “I was hoping you’d make the dish you used to make me when I visited you when I was little. As for the Counsellor’s perspective I’ll do that for you.”

" Sausage ,lentles and barley ? I didn't know you liked that?" Sureth replied as his taste for protein was rare amongst Vulcans.

" An issue I have to discuss with you Isabella. We are not sure where Dallas is. His Runabout is still not accounted for." Sureth added.

“What!?” Isabelle turned to look at her father in shock. “He’s...missing?” Her cheery smile faded, she and John had only recently admitted to their feelings for each other. The fact she was now carrying his child meant the universe to her. “He’s got to be out there! I’d have felt it if...” she paused. “I haven’t fully bonded with John yet, in the Betazoid sense, but I know he’s alive! We have to find him!”

" I have Lt Covenant scouring the parsec for the runabout transponder signal. The Runabout has a lock this stations coordinates and should have locked onto us to help him find his way back." Sureth replied.

“For all we know he could be injured, or even...dying.” She was getting agitated. “I need to do something! What can I do?”

" Wait as I am doing. I am expecting two cargo ships to arrive. After that I will prepare our meal. Now you go rest little girl." Sureth replied as any father would. But before Isabella could react Sureths com badge sounded.

" Report?"

[ Sir Runabout French Broad has been pinged. They are a day out at warp one. The planetary system messed with Dallas warp core. Do you want me to send the Ohio out to great him?] Bob Covenant reported.

" AFFIRMATIVE. I will make two place settings." Sureth replied.

[ Thank you Sir but I already have dinner plans.] Covenant replied.

Isabelle breathed a huge sigh of relief as news that John was alright came through. She couldn’t help but grin at Covenant’s comment about dinner plans. “I’ll help you father.”

Sureth side hugged Isabella again as he exited his quarters and headed up to Ops to await the arrival of the freighters.

Setting out three places at her father’s table Isabelle made sure everything was set out ready for dinner, before settling down on her father’s sofa with her dozing son.



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