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Post # 25 Nova 2

Posted on Wed Sep 28th, 2022 @ 11:43pm by Commodore Sureth

Mission: Mission 7 Life is but a Dream
Location: Starbase Mercury/M-69
Timeline: Stardate 77259.7


It was bitter sweet for Captain Sureth to say goodbye to his old Ship but what a fascinating reason as the old science ship now housed the complete life of a species dubbed the Avatars.

As Sureth left sickbay and a once over from Dr Hiri a familiar voice joined his walk as Captain Deke Rivers also returned.

" A penny for your thoughts Captain? I heard about the Bohr that's sort of why I am back so soon."

" You are back very soon. What transport did you take?" Sureth asked.
"" The USS Nova is ours Sureth. She's small but damn what a jewel she is. I took Command of her and asked to stay in this aector." Deke replied.

Sureth was completely disappointed that Bohr was moth balled but happy that at least River's had chosen to stay on.

" Let's go see the Nova. I heard about them during the Dominion war but never saw any. " Sureth replied.


At station keeping the bejeweled beast resembled a dragon at best as it hummed to where Sureth could feel its vibrations through the transparent aluminum windows.

" Nova 2? What happened to the first one?" asked Sureth.
" Starfleet Naval yards . I renamed this one the Nova 2. Beauty ain't she? Quantum torpedoes and the dock master even installed a quantum replicator just add antimatter." Deke chuckled.

" The Bohr was my life for decades. Now I gave a station to command and much more responsibility. The Savai are well on their way. We have the Corjii at our heals. Maybe we do need the Nova 2." Sureth added.

" We do Captain. " Rivers replied.
" By all power vested in me by Star Fleet Command the Nova 2 is hearby assigned the flagship of this station." Sureth answered.

" I'll drink to that let's go find a saloon and close it " Deke joked.



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